How to refresh your relationship ???

Eve ry relationship go thr ough stages, happy or sad .. it' s all face ups and do wns, and sometim es it beco me boring and you just sick of routine . T hat’s why it is so important to make your relationship a priority in your life an d you shou ld make an effort to refresh it because when men get bored they will look for a replacement.. dont neglect the relationship !! If you think it has lost some of its sparkle, don’t think that there is nothing you can do, take a look at these ten ways so you can refresh your relationship : 1. Fal l in love ag ain : Take him to old place s make him remember why y ou fell in love at first .. Get the old pictu res, talk about the souvenirs you shar ed , remember why you are still together now. . Returning to these moments and remembering what have had in the past will show exactly why you should be trying to rekindle those feelings today. Go through your old pictures together this going to remind both 9f you of all the great time...