Is he an abuser ??
Sadly , abusive relationships started perfectly, the abuser person is somebody perfect, amazing and flawless , it takes always time to recognize that you're a victim of an abusive relationship, it takes an average number act of violence before the woman leave . So why not plan to avoid dating an abuser in the first place, so to detect this too early you need those 10 signs to recognize the abuser before it's too late : 1# jealousy : Every abuser will say that jealou sy is a sign of love, while in fact it' s proof of insecurity lack of trust and possessiveness .. If you're dating a man who' s je alous over everything, possessive , calls constantly, it seems cool at fir st beca use it see ms like he cares, but later yo u will find out this guy you're da ting is a psycho! He's asking who's you're talking to! Whom you have spoken or seen during the day , he will accuse you with flirting or cheating ! The jealousy will progress, he won't let ...