What kind of men you shouldn't date?

We all want to find a great partner, but we end up most of the time picking up the wrong one..spotting someone with baggage and issues isn't always easy in the moment.
Before you get into a relationship, you should broaden your horizons and know what kind of men to avoid.
In fact, men are different and if you've been dating some guys, you may know some types to be with and others to not be involved with!
So here's the 10 worst kind of men to avoid :

1)- The un-resbonsable guy  :

These are men who expect you to clean their dishes, pick up their clothes and take care of them as if they are little children.
They love to be spoiled as a little boy, beware of these men because they may behave as if you are their mother for the rest of their lives.
They are not responsible, they won't help , you will be  doing the man and the woman work at the same time ! and he won't be bothered to help ..

And what's worst than this ? His relationship with his mother, she's the leader now and forever , he won't do a thing without asking her.

2)- The over-controlling guy :

This guy makes a check on 'his woman' every second of the day and inquires about who she is hanging out with. What she's doing and with whom!
This kind of men are really insecure and they can't trust you with what you're doing! Because they can't trust themselves...
Dating someone that constantly has to be in control is worrisome and will cause you a big deal of anxiety.. You don't really want to date someone that doesn't even give you the opportunity to suggest or propose .

3)- The guy who doesn't know what he's looking for :

He is a confused person... One day, he wants a relationship. The next day, he wants kids. Two months later, he's not sure about either. Be careful This type of man may ditch you anytime.
They're unsure about what they really want ..

4)- Mama's Boy:

This kind of guys is the one that lives and breathes by the guidance of his mother.
He can't take any decision alone and he will always listen his mother opinion before you ... He will do exactly what she  told him to do...
He will call his mom when you argue ,and he will tell her every detail, she will involve, always ..All the time ..
If his mother still dresses him, pays his bills or does his laundry , if she's a third part in your relationship and she think she has the right to get herself in ,run for the hills...
You want to date a man that can make you feel taken care of and safe , not someone who still needs their hand held.

5)- the kind of man that his heart on his sleeve : 

He opens up so quickly, he talk about family problems and stuff.. he shows his emotional side and you feel great because you think he trusts you already to make this quick connection but in fact he's a crying baby, he's a drama queen, he attracts emotional women who's willing to give and don't wait to get in return...

Beware, Those type of men are not capable of a long term relationship.

6)- The man with swing mood :

One moment he's happy, he other moment and suddenly he's extra upset and sad with no reason... He's caring then he's indifferent, and you end up so clueless about his behaviors!!

7)- Mr Flirt:

He flirts with every women he see and his history is something he's ashamed to talk about, but if he ever speak about you start feeling uncomfortable, he never been serious with any one...This kind is only about sex !!

8)- The Unemployed:

He has no job , and he's not interested to look for one, or he's goin from a job to another.. He doesn't feel ashamed to ask you money or to ask you to pay his bills ! This type of men are the ones who still got their money pocket from their moms..
Everyone goes through difficult times but you don't really want to start a relationship by having to take care of another human being financially... Having steady employment reflects the maturity of an individual and speaks a lot about the character that they possess.

9)-The insecure type:

He's so insecure and doubtful, he feels like everybody lying, his Friends are all enemies.. nobody loves him ...He's lonely and desperate...He's just looking for a shoulder to lean on because he can't take care of himself.. dumb him!

10) He's a co-dependant: 

He's around every day, he's happy about you, like he's really loving the idea of having somebody...
He’ll cling to you everywhere you go... No space for you to breath..
He's goin every where with you,no girls shopping, no girlies talk, just him and you doing all these stuff together.. He will take you wherever he goes, to drink a shot with friends or to play poker somewhere...
He never spend time alone.
He’s not here to support you or to be with you simply… He’s here to drag you down, all the ways ..
This kind of  man is going to drive you nuts.
The co-dependent man is needy. He's going to want you at all the wrong times. Suffocate you with all his bullshit and except you to deal with it , like you're his mother.

   It's best to avoid those kind of men, it will seems like they put spell on you at first , but later as long as youre with them you will feel like you're just toxic yourself..


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