Have you Really Moved on ?

There are times when your Ex is the one you will always love and moving on is not an easy thing to do , especially when he has left you alot to remember, everything about him just remain alive inside of you , there are times you count the break up days , wondering how could he lives without you, and how cruel he is , and did he lie when he said he couldn't live a day without you, but as time goes by, you no longer think about it... it could take months to get over the person you once loved, and you will end up forget everything, he will be just someone you used to know, and you feel free , so you only realise you really moved on when you feel those 8 signs :

1. You no longer attached to him :

You feel really moved on whenu feel attachement to other person ..
You don't think about them the whole time like you used to , and you don't wait by the phone every day and night , you just don't feel an urge to talk to them.

2. No emotions mentioned:

You don't feel any kind of emotions, or anger... You don't feel any thing for him any more.Besides you feel  happy with your life, you do what you love and you enjoy that , this a big sign you have moved on.Theremore, you don't care about seeing this person any more.In addition, remember this person dont make you no longer cry for him or to those songs and now you're watching the TV shows you have watched it together, but this don't faze you.. you don't feel any emotional weight just like the early stages of break up. Now you're looking back with no regrets, no anger and no sadness, you embrace the past and you let go , you' aren't bitter... You appreciate this experience and you think it helped you to grow.

3. You start dating other people:

you just  find yourself going online on dating websites...
Or you just feel better alone and you're loving yourself. You're able to date again , he's now replaceable, many men outta there are sexy and are calling your attention, been awhile after you break up, you can't imagine yourself being with someone else but now you're OK with hunting out with other guys.

4. You accept the break up :

 You know you really moved on when you start accepting the break u and you no longer blame him or blame yourself. Now you just don't read your old texts or go through every word they said to analyze why the break up even happened, you removed all the messages, no more nostalgia that hit you late at night when you lay down alone, you just accept the break up and you don't remember any past belongs to them. No more anger or biterness,this a strong indicator you really accept what happened and you're one steo away to move on .

5.You don't go through his social media:

 You unfriend him or you just unfellow him and now you don't care what they are posting or doing on their social media, you no longer track any little thing about them ,and even if you're not tracking them they are popping on your news feed and you don't even bothered,you're so chilled, you're okay with their media presence, or You just no longer go through his photos and when you accidentally find one you not getting emotional, you just delete it.Now you don't check his social network been so long, you don't care to see his Facebook status or his Instagram updates... It doesn't open on your browser any more and you don't hit to refresh it almost every minute.Also, you no longer re-read his old messages or your old emails and conversations .. now you're not jealous or bothered if they are dating somebody else or if his status updates about another girl.

6.You don't mind talking about him without getting emotional:

 You no longer feel hurt by talking about him and what you've been through with him, you don't feel any kind of pain and you don't wanna cry when you talk about them,it's a sign you just healead.

7.You Really forgive and forget:

 Now you feel like you really forgive what they did wrong to you and you forget about them.. You don't feel nothing, the pain isn't in your chest no more, you no longer worry about him, you just feel peace alone and by yourself.

8. Dates :

You find yourself forgetting dates and details associated with your Ex , when you cease to remember when your Ex's birthday was or which day you both started dating.

Here's when you can officially say you really moved on.
If your happiness became your priority and you truly loved yourself, now you look your reflection on the mirror and you're happy with what you're seeing that's when you really moved on.


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