Is he going to break up with me?!

There's no relationship is forever, we can't guarantee that a man gonna be with you for a lifetime. Relationships are always in risk to end and before the break up there's always a plenty of warning signs , if you keep ignore the red flags you will end up shocked, so here are signs he's going to break up, you should be prepared.. 1)- Loss of comm unication : He doesn't talk about anything, he doesn't discuss your problems your projects and everything about your future together.. He doesn't call like before, he's reducing the amount of communication, he's stop texting and in this case you need to understand that his quietly trying to leave. 2)- He's trying to avoid you : Some men are cowards , they won't tell it to your face, they won't tell you they want to break up, they know it's quite hard , do instead of talking honestly about it they will choose the path of avoidance rather than being direct. If your partner is suddenly can...