
Showing posts from February 5, 2017

Is he going to break up with me?!

There's no relationship is forever, we can't guarantee that a man gonna be with you for a lifetime. Relationships are always in risk to end and before the break up there's always a plenty of warning signs , if you keep ignore the red flags you will end up shocked,  so here are signs he's going to break up, you should be prepared.. 1)- Loss of comm unication : He doesn't talk about anything, he doesn't discuss your problems your projects and everything about your future together.. He doesn't call like before, he's reducing the amount of communication, he's stop texting and in this case you need to understand that his quietly trying to leave. 2)- He's trying to avoid you : Some men are cowards , they won't tell it to your face, they won't tell you they want to break up, they know it's quite hard , do instead of talking honestly about it they will choose the path of avoidance rather than being direct. If your partner is suddenly can...

How to Get over being cheated On ?

Being cheated on is the most painful experience a person can ever had ... But if your partner is asking forgiveness and he's sorry for his act of infidelity and you still love him enough to forgive him but also still hard for you to get over the deep hurt he caused , because you may be given him a second chance, but you still have that feelings of anger and as long as he's there you will remind what he did over and over again here's tips to survive the relationship :  1* Calm down and don't rush: So you just found out you were cheated on by the person you spend years or months with, first thing you need to do  Is Accept what happened, embrace the pain , and acknowledge it , think of the future. Take some time out for yourself, don't rush and don't do any stupid decision, it has happened, accept it and don't do anything about it to reverse the event, you may feel like your life is stopped and you're paused in the questions of how or why this happened, do...

What should i do in an abuse relationship ??

Being in a verbal, phys ical, or emot ional abuse rel ationship is hard... Some wom en stay til the pain gets worse and worse .. They ju st do n't know what to do or where to go ! Stay ing safe in this si tuation is hard . But if yo u're in danger , don' t minimi ze the abuse..I mean you do n't have to wa it for bro ken bones to admit it' s an abuse! Yelli ng, cussed out, intimidatio n and threats are all for ms of abuse. Many wom en stay trapp ed in this cy cle hoping the abuse will stop but if you keep qui et the abuser will hurt you more!! If you are in danger of bei ng hurt , here' s what you shou ld do to break away and stop the cycle of violence: 1-Acknowledge the existence of abuse and Recognize it : Don't minimize the abuse , this is harder than it sounds, because some woman think minimize the act will make seems like a simple act from the person they love and visions can blur when the problem is close, sometimes,it takes a deep look to un...