What you do when you spot him cheating ???

Being cheated on in a love and committed relationship is incredibly horrible, its was a horrible moment when I found out and I know about his infidelity and the horrible moments it fellowed it comes to be one of the most difficult phases in life. I have been dating a man for more than three years.. and he has cheated on me three times, different woman, different situation, and a thousand excuses! It was bad and no word could ease that pain, actually it's sad how many women has been through this! When someone you love and trust could do such thing to you , you end up feeling broken by all means. I was feeling foolish to have trusted him , I was angry and embarrassed, usually, we end up feeling furious and have alot of hate to our own selves.. I was really broken, and seeing the world from a new perspective: cruel and dark. Once this phase of my life has finally passed , gradually and slowly, and he become a distant memory, I realized the mistakes I have done through the cheating p...