How to know you're dating​ a Gold digger!?

Usually in a relationship filled with hot passion and very intimate feelings , it's hard to recognize if the man you are with trying to use you or they truly into you.. it's a very complex matter, when in love everything seems glow and beautiful, and even there are those red flags that keeps rising up , you still don't wanna believe! There are some lucky woman who get the true love , and there are those women who get used and betrayed before they find the right person to be with... In life's path , you will meet plenty of men , the gentleman and the G ! The good guy and the bad one , you just don't need to date all of them to separate the difference! There are always warning signs and no matter how perfect your player is , some day he gonna mistake his role and you gotta know who he is at the end.

Due to hard life situations and due to a wrong family rising , some men are a perfect gold diggers! A very good manipulative, and liars ... They know they can use women for money so they don't need to work ! But to spot them in the early stages of the Relationship needs a very smart woman, who uses​ her brain never her heart .. from the very start of the relation the gold digger will point on your weacked sides , are you a single mom who needs a man to stand by ? A heartbroken woman who needs a shoulder​ to lean on ! He knows how to prey his victims ..and he knows how to make you fall in love to the point you can't leave this man,. Because he is everything you wanted !! He knows that your ex has cheated on you so he will promise to be faithful​, and he knows how many nights you have been crying so he promises to wipe away your tears! He knows you been unlucky in love , so he's finally here , your guardian angel!!!!!! But in fact , he uses your falls , and your insecurities to play you ...he will manipulate you.. Play love games on you,so you keep giving money.. because he deserves to be helped , isn't he here by your side , and he is broken and jobless!!!! And he knows exactly how to find the most convincible excuses to say, and Til they find out something better.. you must think "he's not gold digging on me , I have nothing big to offer "!!! And i assume, the little things are the biggest for him ! HE gonna be satisfied with what you can afford in the beginning because you're available and ready to help all the times , til they find another victim... And when you stop satisfying him, he will ask for more , and you should find any way to get him what he needs or he will leave , it's a mind scary game , his tactics is to make you believe that he loves​ you like nobody else, and to make you believe that your Relationship is perfect and you don't have to question his loyalty and his honestly​, he's a money vampire! You need to read this 10 to recognize a Gold digger before you fall for him :

1# He pays just the first dates :

He's acting like a total gentleman when you first meet then all bets are off ... A gold digger is a very charming man will pull out any of the stops til you fall for him...
He will pay for everything at first , he will buy you gifts but once he started saying he's running out of money be careful that's when he will start asking you to pay ...

2# He has job troubles :

He is broke, unemployed and he has some financial problems like has alot of debt ...He will full you with lies ...A gold digger won't show it. They will hide behind sweet words and some ways to make you believe they are really wanna work hard but they had no chance.. Like they feel guilty talking about all this problems to you , they just trust you and need your help this time and they will pay you back when its time ( but they will leave before that.. )!
They will tell you they quit their jobs already and they used to help their family so they couldn't save no money..
And if you're that sensative type of woman it makes the job easier.. They will begin.. Crying.. Or cursing if they become hopeless..
And you'll provide them things they need like food.. Shelter.. Transport.
You'll love to spoil your man.. Buy expensive gifts so he can swagg with his friends but once you stop he will leave.

3# He asks for money all the time :

He's seeing you as a cash machine rather than a real love interest.. because at the end of the day there must be  a difference between a gold digger and someone who's just falling on bad times. 
What you should look for is do they need your help temporarily and they are interest to work hard and change their situation or do they just enjoy gold diggin on you til you be running out of money so they go find another victim.

4# Mood changes:

When you get him what he wants he loves you and you're everything to him ,on other days when you need them to just be around or talk you hear out .. A gold digger won't call you unless he needs something.. You will always do the call thing. They don't have enough credit or they will not could pay their phone bills. 
They will call unless they know they'll get something from you.
The only time your partner get emotional I when they want money from you ... Their tension is only when they need cash... They'll even keep saying they will make it up to you someday and they feel ashamed you're spending all this money on them and they will do better and repay and til that day comes, they will take it all from you..

5# Expensive taste :

He likes fancy clothes , expensive  gifts and luxurious holidays ... He's encouraging you to buy new bag, he said he will love to go shopping with you and maybe buy "US" something he likes !!!
They'll ask money indirectly  like " babe i wish i can take you out for a fancy dinner but you know i can't pay.. I'm broke "..and next time you wont wait you will invite them for a dinner ( lol)
they will complain all the time about havin no clothes appropriate to meet you Or they'll stop at the first shop sayin he likes this and that..

6# He's a controller :

 Man who used to gold digger doesn't care if you're ugly.. Fat.. They'll pick the woman they think shes desperate to have a caring, loving man.. Because they know they can give you everything you need and they'll play all the games just to keep you .
They'll try to control you,  control who's your talkin to, they wont leave you a space to breath or to listen to your friends opinion. They'll act like they are jealous, overprotective and caring.. As Long as you can afford them money you'll always be their (love)..

7# He asks about your family background:

Common questions about how much your family has , what they own or who really makes the spending decisions, he wants many details about who owns the family house and how much is left on the mortgage !!!!! Beware this breed of gold diggers.. they will take it all til they get bored and find somebody else wealthier..

8# Not serious about his career :

He doesn't dream about professional growth and he's not serious regarding their job , he's just need his pocket money ...And he doesn't think to do anything to change his situation... He has no career ambition , and it's never his fault!!!
 A gold digger will only live for the moment, he's trying to enjoy life now with what he has in his pocket today ... And he's not going to do anything about this ..

9# He's trying to dumb you most of the time when you have'nt money: 

Hes saying plenty of mean things and he will even dumb you , blame it on his personal issues later ...He will say he's sorry and he doesn't want to put you in sucha situations, and he's sick of leaning on you for money and he can't take it !!! This not the main reason ...The real reason is .. he's just pissed off he wants a cash machine and you can't afford it so he will try to dumb you Everytime !

10# Much money not enough money :

He will always want more from you, the problem starts when he begins to lean on you for everything, pay on debts and you're the only one buying gifts and for wardrobe !!! He will ask money like for everything thing .. when he's out with friends and when he's with you !!! This just when you probably have a gold digger on your hands.

You can notice that they are pretending once you just take a very close look.
Tell them you're tired.. Things won't change.. They will start begging.. Crying or screaming and break things!!!!
They don't love you this much... But they won't survive til they find another Victim. If you find yourself suddenly paying alot more you should be suspicious ...i know the damage is huge but you should leave before the emotional damage become worst than what it is now ... 


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