Does he want you back ??????

Sometimes , break ups can be just as complex as the Relationship ... Suddenly there's nothing between two who were once in a relationship, and it's like they are stranger and that hurts sometimes... Break up can get complicated whenever you can't be friends... For a lot of lucky couples, they have real closure when they break up. They know that their relationship is over for good and they can move on with the rest of their lives, they understand that the romance is over ... But then there are those couples who don’t get closure when they break up. The relationship’s end wasn’t really all that smooth and so there’s a slim chance that the both of you can rekindle that flame. Sometimes,the big love transform to hate and there's no chance to get things back and 3ven no chance to be friends! But still, you can’t ignore that things ended on a sour note despite the fact that you think you can still try to make things work again. But when you want ...