No one ever goes into a relationship with a future breakup in mind, that’s why when breakups do occur, it can come across as a shocking and traumatizing experience to the people involved especially when they’re inexperienced in the area. Its a messy phase during life, Breakups are really hard and painful, you will end up feeling disappointed, it's like a whole of a world goes down, too many emotions play there , you're anxious, sad, blaming yourself, alot of times you're feeling like you are draining forgetting that there's a life beyond the Relationship that you were in and the only thing you can do is to move on. Truth is, No one ever likes having to deal with fallouts. And it hurts both , men and women... you're gonna cry alot of tears , and you are training your mind and your heart to deal with the idea of not having your loved one anymore. Sometimes couples break up over petty arguments and others break up over heavy lingering ...
Usually in a relationship filled with hot passion and very intimate feelings , it's hard to recognize if the man you are with trying to use you or they truly into you.. it's a very complex matter, when in love everything seems glow and beautiful, and even there are those red flags that keeps rising up , you still don't wanna believe! There are some lucky woman who get the true love , and there are those women who get used and betrayed before they find the right person to be with... In life's path , you will meet plenty of men , the gentleman and the G ! The good guy and the bad one , you just don't need to date all of them to separate the difference! There are always warning signs and no matter how perfect your player is , some day he gonna mistake his role and you gotta know who he is at the end. Due to hard life situations and due to a wrong family rising , some men are a perfect gold diggers! A very good manipulative, and liars ... They know they can use ...
Have you ever met a guy who had suffered from cheating and betrayal almost throughout all his past relationships... He was the victim most of the times ..and he's just looking for someone to faithfull to love them right.. Of course you did ! if its not you , you probably heard a similar story.. I was a victim of psychopath abuse , cheating is what my partner has put me through, although he was the victim of his past relationship where he experienced betrayal also! When you first meet the psychopath he will convince you that he is faithful and he will never cheat or betray your trust! Later you start to discover that your partner is a cheater , and he has no remorse of guilt..he feels no shame of what he has done to you. He convince himself that's your fault, and his cheating is a result of your bad behaviors, he's a victim of you! A psychopath will talk about marriage and having kids with you, while sleeping with another person who's telling them same. He doesn't s...