Is it an Emotionally abusive Relationship ???

Truth is there are some very abusive people out there who knows how to attract their victims and bring their destructive tendencies along with them into the relationship. Many women has been victimized by abusive men, it's sad but truth is most of us been through the same experience only because we can't spot the early signs of an abuser. Besides, It’s hard for a lot of women to be able to admit that the relationships that they’re in are emotionally abusive one. I had the same experience, I was in a relationship where i has abused verballyand emotionally, since the very start of my Relationship that lasted almost 3 years , and it was really hard for me to admit it Or to speak about it. My abuser threatened to kill me if I ever leave, my fear wasn't only that im going to be killed, but my abuser has described me a world full of abusers just like him, and I imagined a hell out there , so i stayed! I stayed with whom i thought is another copy of every o...