About me :

My goal is to help you fight your hardest break ups , get over it and move on to the one they deserves you, I'm here to try to explain the human behaviors in and out of love and relationships.
  I can help you to understand your feelings and slice your conflicts in half , creating a healthy boundaries is what I will help you to learn , find your inner peace and the beauty within you is my goal.
 .I know I can't fix it all with a magical touch but I can point on your strength and your abilities, I can help you to transform your insecurities to something positive through my articles.
 .I can clear your vision and give you the tips you need to survive and to move forward in life.
 . I can help you to know your worth and how to not surrender to pain, anger, hate , regret and revenge.
  . I can help you to understand your value, heal your wounds by yourself , because at the end of the day it's a matter of conscious, always chose love over fear and pain.

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* My readers :
My readers are all fighters , survivors and strong people who find their way out of their past relationships.
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* I'm a psychology trainer and life expert :
I can give my readers the best advises to find the root of their relationships problems and get over their hard break ups!
I can help you to create healthy boundaries , build the future you desire, heal your past wounds, accept your mistakes and embrace yourself.

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*My goal is :
Help my readers to be strong, and find the peace inside their soul, I believe in self study spiritual that teaches love and peace , undoing regret and forgive .
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* I believe that life experiences are the best teacher :
Life is the best teacher, the mistakes we are doing today is the lesson we learning for tomorrow.
Never regret , never hate always for I've so you can move on.
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*When I'm not writing articles :
Usually I spend my time reading and writing, but when I'm not writing articles you can find me taking pictures, drawing, hanging out or read every blog I find and try to learn through people experiences.

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