
Showing posts from January 22, 2017

Reasons why men run away after having Sex

The sto ry repeat itse lf, y ou found yourse lf wait ing for a pho ne call fr om the guy you just fuc ked last night.. you thought having sex with him will bound you toget her, but he has done his thing and he splits bef ore sunrise. It' s an ordi nary story, most men loose a ttentions to whom th ey sl eep wi th. It' s a guy's poi nt of view...You w ill never under stand and we cant fault them for acting that way ,but some men just cant stay.. Here are prohibition why men leaving after sleeping with you : 1- He won't stay just because he slept with you : Let's be clear, most women think having sex will make the relationship stronger,but for men sex sometimes is priority, they losing touch after intimacy and nothing will stop them from leaving. 2- wo rk : * M aybe he's a workaholic, his busy schedule prevents him to be in a relationship.. he has no time because of his never ending work .. so he must run away early in the morning. 3- He was just hor...

Be careful he's a fuck boy!!!

You will never recognize a fuck boy from the First sight not even the first date they strike as proper gents.. usually fuck boys hide behind a mask ,you will never know.. they are desperate and hungry for females attention. They will feed you lies and til you believe he's real his game well played. You will never recognize a fuck boy when you meet one so here's signs to help you to wake up before it's too late... 1- social media: He's every where ... Dating websites and others begging for nudes or maybe a date. He will hide his phone away every time s he gets an email or Snapchat! You're not his only ...There are hundreds females online and there are dozens of nudes on his phone. You will know it...If he's desperate for your nudes and he doesn't care if you send it or not because he can get it from any one else then start wondering. 2. He's so in lo ve with you but too ear ly to be in lo ve!! : He just met you but he's saying he's so i...

What to do to heal a broken heart ?

Pain of breaking up or the pain of being in one sided love relationship is suffering ,it's an emotional pain prevents you to enjoy life the same way again. You can't handle the end of your relationship or the hurt of being cheated on ... so here's 10 method to mend a broken heart: 1- Acceptance: accept the truth of being separated. Leave the relation behind! Stop thinking how they are doing without you!!! Or questioning about the other person they are date now!! This will cause more pain. Accept the truth of not being together any more and move on. Don't beg for a second chance you just has done enough for him and he will recognize this later. Trust this. 2- talk about it:  don't hold down the pain ,it will only Hurt you more.. Talk about it, tell a friend,go to an expert. Share your experience and don't be ashamed to show your pain .. cry and express your anger , don't hold down the pain it's unhealthy... 3- Don't hold back to the memories: l...