What should i do in an abuse relationship ??

Being in a verbal, physical, or emotional abuse relationship is hard...
Some women stay til the pain gets worse and worse ..
They just don't know what to do or where to go ! Staying safe in this situation is hard .
But if you're in danger , don't minimize the abuse..I mean you don't have to wait for broken bones to admit it's an abuse! Yelling, cussed out, intimidation and threats are all forms of abuse.
Many women stay trapped in this cycle hoping the abuse will stop but if you keep quiet the abuser will hurt you more!!

If you are in danger of being hurt , here's what you should do to break away and stop the cycle of violence:

1-Acknowledge the existence of abuse and Recognize it :

Don't minimize the abuse , this is harder than it sounds, because some woman think minimize the act will make seems like a simple act from the person they love and visions can blur when the problem is close, sometimes,it takes a deep look to understand and Recognize the situation because abuse is not physical like broke bones and blue spots on your body, it can be emotional like cursing, yelling, screwing, calling you with bad names like fat, ugly, how, bitch, slut...!!!! , It can be sexual abuse ,like if sex degrading or unsafe that's also an abuse..                

The abuser will claim that's it's a relationship and this how it works but you know well it's not, don't make excuses to the abuser.

2- keep your trusted ones close :

Keep people on the outside of your relationship close. Because isolation is the abuser's best friend, when you isolated from others, you lose the most valuable lifetime, stay connected to the world. Those people you trust are the people you need to be able to rely on if you ever decided to leave suddenly. Those are the people who will support you emotionally and tell you the truth you need to hear when you're so lind to see. The first thing an abuser does is cut off all your relations off from your supports, weakening you through isolation and he will become the only one in your life. So you need friends or family member even secretly, contact them and stay connected with them, they will be there to help you if an crisis arises, you should be assured if the worst happens you will have someone who cares and who's able to help.

3_ Consider your values :

 Know your legal rights .Be aware of what to do. Make sure your decisions are alignment with your highest self, your needs and your goals. Let him know that you can leave, dont make him feel comfortable by staying and being disabled to stand up and say NO ! Make him accept your decisions but if he abused you because you're trying to leave or to stop the abuse , then you must need a safe plan .

4- Safe plan :

Leave the situation ..It might be hard or scary at First but take a decision to abondon , make a safe plan. But if you feel really unsafe or scary , if your abuser is threatening to kill you ..Talk to the police.Have a plan to leave your abuser. You might be depressed and tired with serial of negative thoughts, but dig deep and look for a hope. The must be a way to get off this. Therefore, you need this safe plan , because abusers are unpredictable and you never know when you're going to have to get away from them.. think about a safe plan during moments of peace will help you to think more clearly during moments of anger.

5- Save money aside :

No matter how much he controls your finances, find a way to save little for you, because the abusive relationship will end, and you shouldn't be left outside with nothing , save a small amount of money, save whatever you can, be prepared to leave someday soon .  You're not going to be on the abuser mercy for the rest of your life . Try to set aside enough money, don't leave yourself vulnerable financially prepare for the end .

6- Leave :

He's not strong as he looks, he's only controlling you and abusing you because he has no control over his life. Besides, you allowed him to do , when you decide to leave , don't ever look back and thin you might get him back and he will do it right this time..no.matter how much he gonna try, because in this case and when you the one decided you have got enough and you left , the abuser will play the victim , he will show you much anger and harassment, and if this won't work with you, he will blame you for quitting, fault himself, he will return with flowers and apologies, he will only get you back to punish you and the abuse will become horrible , so if you get out Stay out !! Do whatever it takes to keep the abuser away from you, change your phone number , block them on social media and don't ever go back to him. Because he won't change, and he won't stop and you have to understand violence is never a way to express love or jealousy!! If you can't leave this relationship because you're afraid from your abuser i Say nothing worst than this will happen. if you ever get and abuser back after leaving, the abuse will continue and it will get worse than before. Just pick the right time to leave, make sure he won't realize you're going.

7. Move On :

No matter how hard the situation was , no matter how deep physiological mark they left , you should be strong enough to move on, break free and enjoy life, don't dwell in the past, remember you're alive and strong, you're able to do better in life.

As a result, Abusers are not strong as they appear, they are actually weaker than the victim, some of them involved in abuse behavior because they have lost the control over their own lives because life treated them badly or because they had experienced violence at younger age. So they control their partner to regain part of the control that they lost in their lives.  In addition, i think leaving an abusive relationship may appear the hardest thing to do especially when you start loosing your values and yourself love as the abuser convinced you that you are worthless and nobody will want you, his stored deep anger transformed to abuse and lack of self confidence, so be brave to leave and take time to heal ...


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