How to Get over being cheated On ?

Being cheated on is the most painful experience a person can ever had...
But if your partner is asking forgiveness and he's sorry for his act of infidelity and you still love him enough to forgive him but also still hard for you to get over the deep hurt he caused , because you may be given him a second chance, but you still have that feelings of anger and as long as he's there you will remind what he did over and over again here's tips to survive the relationship :

 1* Calm down and don't rush:

So you just found out you were cheated on by the person you spend years or months with, first thing you need to do Is Accept what happened, embrace the pain , and acknowledge it , think of the future. Take some time out for yourself, don't rush and don't do any stupid decision, it has happened, accept it and don't do anything about it to reverse the event, you may feel like your life is stopped and you're paused in the questions of how or why this happened, don't comfort him with anger you won't get anything out, calm down, take a deep breath, accept what happened then let it all go. When you find out the truth about his cheating, stay quiet, don't fight in case you wanna keep him . Talk to him tell him you're aware and you're ready to start again.

2* talk about your pain and share your sorrow :

Don't hold down your pain and your anger inside holding on the pain inside cause more damage,it won't process the rebuilding of the relationship .. eliminate these hurtful thoughts. Share it with a friend , a person you trust, or a member of your family, talk to somebody who cares and who will stand by youyol you get through this pain. Take advices, listen up,tell your trusted person everything, talk about your anger and your hurt, don't hold down the questions in your head, you're going to feel horrible side affects on your health and sharing your pain will help you to feel better, you'll feel like a huge weight on your shoulders has been shared and you're not alone through this . So Open up to a person you trust,share your pain, talk to someone, a friend or a therapist, just don't keep it inside, the more it will be bubbling up inside the more you will suffer. This is the most important part of healing, you should tap into your emotions face the pain and deal with it, scream, cry , yell ...They pull yourself together and let go, you're allowed to feel sad, because what happened crushed your soul, so live it, talk about it , embrace it then MOVE ON.

3* Don't blame yourself :

Don't put yourself in that position, don't blame yourself for what happened, you were cheated on for some reasons and it wasn't your fault .. Something was wrong but not with you, you don't need to put the blame on yourself to understand his reasons, now all you need is to strength yourself, not make yourself weaker, you're your worst enemy if you want to be.The pain may not go away instantly but gradually, Be patient because time is great healer , it's all you need.

4*  Take a decision and stand by it :

If you can forgive and forget, make sure you really mean it, it takes alot of strength to move on the cheating action and continue the relationship with the same person, faking it will damage you internally and it will create a huge distance between you too, but if you cant forgive you need to master up the courage to let them go ,make sure you stand by your decision to never take them back. However, no matter how bad they treated you, if you can forgive them you will feel so much more peace within you.

5* Talk to your partner :

 Communicate with him, tell him all the things you're feeling. Talk it out , let them know exactly how this whole has made you feel, but don't show weakness, ask him questions, understand reasons, because people cheat for many different reasons and it's not always about sex , sometimes seeking an emotional connection or seeking an escape could be a reason. Just talk about how this affected you and how you feel, don't leave it inside and lay it all out in front of them, if it's a misunderstanding they will clear it right, if he's really cheated on you and he wants you to forgive him and start over again, if you're ready to forgive and forget you should remain strong to do it. But you should make sure Is he really trying to survive the relationship ?? You must test him , like does he really cut all of his other communications. However,You both need time to realize if you really wanna continue and survive the relationship or it's just a waste of time.Make it clear, set boundaries, let him know his limits and he must respect it. Don't share sad conversations. Build trust again is so hard, just try to check on him , like ask him where he's going all the time and with whom, without making him feel like you're an investigator... Encourage your partner to be more open with you, share your emotions, share more honest speechs like :

(- what he wants in the relationship ?
-What sex position he prefers the most ?
- listen carefully...
- what type of woman he likes ???????
- how he wants you to dress or look like ??????
- what behavior he doesn't like a  and he wants you to change it ?????????????
.....)Know your mistakes and the reason why he cheated and correct it, sometimes he's not the only responsible.You should also show him effort so he can do same, if he does it means he's real about it. Don't let him feel your mistrust.

Just be sure you will get over it, however, you'll move on ..there's possibility he may cheat again, establish consequences to deal with this when it happens again...
  If things don't improve despite the effort, then there's no need to carry on in this relationship. But if you left already make sure you're convinced with the decision you have taken, it might seem all darkness and pain now but you will be happy and renewed soon .


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