Is he going to break up with me?!

There's no relationship is forever, we can't guarantee that a man gonna be with you for a lifetime.
Relationships are always in risk to end and before the break up there's always a plenty of warning signs , if you keep ignore the red flags you will end up shocked,  so here are signs he's going to break up, you should be prepared..

1)- Loss of communication :

He doesn't talk about anything, he doesn't discuss your problems your projects and everything about your future together..
He doesn't call like before, he's reducing the amount of communication, he's stop texting and in this case you need to understand that his quietly trying to leave.

2)- He's trying to avoid you :

Some men are cowards , they won't tell it to your face, they won't tell you they want to break up, they know it's quite hard , do instead of talking honestly about it they will choose the path of avoidance rather than being direct. If your partner is suddenly canceling all your plans or he doesn't pick up your calls then he came up with unbelievable excuses it's an obvious signs he's avoiding you and avoid every serious conversation about your relationship , they are really over you buy he doesn't know how to tell you.

3)- He doesn't talk about future with you :
At the beginning of your relationship hr talks about future and an eternal life with you, but now it does like His behavior changes too drastically without any obvious reason... and suddenly he stopped, no marriage plans and no future kids, no upcoming events, no vacations..

4)- Social media :
He hides his relationship with you on social media, he's not showing any pictures with you on Facebook OR Instagram !!! This means he's not committed to stay.

5)- No sex :
He avoids having sex with you, you're not having any physical affection. If he no longer care to get intimate with you ,and your sex life has been replaced with friendly banter that's a clear sign that something is wrong, it seems like no spark alive between you any more and he's not interested in sex with you, he just doesn't feel like he want it.

6)- He's threatening to leave :

He's threatening to break up with you every time you fight and you just have not taken it seriously because you thought it's just an anger talk..And you're thinking he's not going to leave because he's always saying this , but this could be really on his mind, because he's handle disagreements with threats about ending the relationship. Be careful he's talking about it, pay attention to the words , means he's thinking about it,it just means hes serious !!

7)- He's picking useless Fights: 

He's fighting over everything, he's picking useless fights with or without reason and argue over everything.. Every little thing with no meaning bring a huge fight, he's disagree with you and there's no logical reason to do..This just means he's planning his way to leave. He's trying to build tension ,creating drama as an excuse to go!

8)- He doesn't show any effort :

Whatever this means to you, effort of showing love or effort of planning dates or making up after an argument, he seems like he stop putting an effort like he doesn't care ... He's just stop trying and it's obvious sign that he's thinking about leaving, missing anniversaries ir blowing off other special occasions could be their way of letting you know he's ready to move on.

9)- He doesn't appreciate you :

You can't remember the last time you heard him saying thank you, he doesn't appreciate the effort you're doing for him. And he fault you with everything you do ,He treats you like you're noisy , like you're disturbing him, he doesn't talk to you details about his life journey, he's saying you're nagging if you insist.if this what you have been noticing lately it's a sign he's close to the door ,it's normal for them to justify their actions by denying how great you are and to feel better about themselves, they'll stop recognizing your effort and love.

10)- His friends come first :

He loves to spend time outside with friends more than being with you, he cared alot to spend his free time with others , to find out where your partner stands, ask to join them if he refuses, then you know how to consider the reality of the situation..He's trying to avoid public displays he wants people to think he's single.And he's  not asking you questions about your life, he doesn't care how are you or how you doing !He doesn't make plans with you any more, he cares more about his friends... In this case you are not his priority..If he's spending lotta time with his friends this means he's moving on and hoping this action will give you the hint that you are about to end up.

11)- He's secretive :

He's hiding feelings, he no longer talk about what he bother him and what's he's happy or mad about ...He's not sharing anything with you, he's hiding his phone away, logged out Facebook when he's with you, hrs going out outside and he's not sharing his plans , this means he's over you and the relationship.

If your man doing any of thise signs its an obvious warning he's about to break up ..and he's He's doing things you hate , this means he has no regards for the relationship any more.If hE doesn't keep his promises any more, he pretends to forget what he promised and this a subtle indication that he is starting to see a future without you. Just leave before he does and avoid the pain of living the Break up pain .

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