What to do to heal a broken heart ?

Pain of breaking up or the pain of being in one sided love relationship is suffering ,it's an emotional pain prevents you to enjoy life the same way again. You can't handle the end of your relationship or the hurt of being cheated on ...

so here's 10 method to mend a broken heart:

1- Acceptance:
accept the truth of being separated. Leave the relation behind! Stop thinking how they are doing without you!!! Or questioning about the other person they are date now!! This will cause more pain. Accept the truth of not being together any more and move on. Don't beg for a second chance you just has done enough for him and he will recognize this later. Trust this.

2- talk about it: 

don't hold down the pain ,it will only Hurt you more.. Talk about it, tell a friend,go to an expert. Share your experience and don't be ashamed to show your pain .. cry and express your anger , don't hold down the pain it's unhealthy...

3- Don't hold back to the memories:

let go of everything about him. Break the cycle of painful memories. Don't let the pain become a mental habit .It will only get worst with time. Throw away his stuff , burn it , delate the old photos and remove the emails and the texts messages ...You don't need to see all the stuff that take you back and make you suffer

4- Obsession:
If you're stalking him still, checking his social network and you still try to meet him by accident .this useless..
If you're going through your old pictures and listen to the songs he used to love this only a painful habit.
If you are obsessed about your Ex it's probably your unconscious mind switching on your emotions in exactly the same way! Get rid of him because without realising you have programmed your mind to feel the grief Everytime .

5- Change :
Change anything that's able to be changed, Turn off the music that reminds you of him
,Dress way different than what he used to love,Take up new activities,Go some different places you didn't go with him before, Give yourself new environment.
* Break up the old associations.Delate his number or just change yours .Just don't be available every time he feels lonely or drunk.
Change anything ,the color of your hair or paint your room ,the change even if it's not a huge one can make a difference inside you.Change your thoughts, stop seeing it as the end of your happiness, start thinking it's just a start , a new opportunity.

6- Do you :
Love yourself, do you, find your inner beauty and evaluate your skills, maybe being heartbroken make you feel worthless and hopeless in this case you just need to see your situation with a different frame!! See the positive in every thing.

7- Take a deep look:
Was it really worth the effort and the pain? Was he really the one ? Think of how many chances you will get now because you're single. This was never a disaster as you feel .He wasn't good enough! Simple as that.

8- Thoughts:
Change the mental picture of him in your mind.he wasn't a Greek hero. He has nothing special.
Control your visualisation, see the truth about him, embrace it .
Remember the times he was just looking miserable but you was just OK with it because you was in love with the first impression of him.

9- Boost up:
Think about your future without him,it's a life you will only choose and decide without pressure, without him around.

10-Believe in love again:
Part of the heart broken is because you still in love .Just get rid of this feeling.tell yourself every day you deserve something better, list things you hate about him, list  occasions you wanted just to leave .
At the end you will know it wasn't a big love.
If you failed in that relationship doesn't mean all men are same and all love relatuonship will end up like yours. Be opened to a new love, take chances ...


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