Be careful he's a fuck boy!!!

You will never recognize a fuck boy from the First sight not even the first date they strike as proper gents.. usually fuck boys hide behind a mask ,you will never know.. they are desperate and hungry for females attention. They will feed you lies and til you believe he's real his game well played.
You will never recognize a fuck boy when you meet one so here's signs to help you to wake up before it's too late...

1- social media:

He's every where ... Dating websites and others begging for nudes or maybe a date. He will hide his phone away every time s he gets an email or Snapchat!
You're not his only ...There are hundreds females online and there are dozens of nudes on his phone.
You will know it...If he's desperate for your nudes and he doesn't care if you send it or not because he can get it from any one else then start wondering.

2. He's so in love with you but too early to be in love!! :

He just met you but he's saying he's so in love so he wants a family and children..he never believed in Love before he met you..!! Things a fuck boy tell before you ever think about being in a relationship with him.

3. He's a controller:

He likes to know where you go! With whom ! Who's on phone!!!
He gets himself involved in every thing about you,he doesn't want let you the time to wonder where you stand in this relationship.
He wants just to keep the damn thing without really commiting. He's jealous from everyone you talk to!He wants all your time for him, because just when things falls apart you will never ask "did he really loves me!?" Because it seemed like he did!!!!

4. His exes history:

The girl he told you she's an ex still blowing up his phone. They are friends still ! He's a good hearted man ! She needs help.  But if you ask him why did they break up he'll tell you she was a whore.
A fuck boy has a long list of Ex's . Most of them left him..He's so miserable,no one respected his feelings. He's just tired of being no loved til he met you!!! Don't believe him!!!!!!!!!!

5. Public meetings  :

He doesn't want to be seen in public with you!! He has always reasons to tell like he wants this relationship just between you two,and it should be private because it's serious! Or maybe his friends are suckers they will try to ruin your relationship so he wanted you to be away of them!! But if you ever meet then you will see how losers,fucked up minds, childish boys are!!!

6- he has no job :

He's unemployed,hunging around with boys almost all the time, he's complaining about hating his life and his friends but still has no will to change his situation. must be available 24/7:

He will blow off all your plans. You must be just available even if you ain't going out together but you must be there when he calls!!

8-he comforts you with lies:

He says exactly what you want to hear...he knows your weaked points and he knows exactly when to use it..
He's doing the same mistake over and over again! He says he will change .He says you're better than him and you deserve something better!

9- family and friends:

You still haven't met any of his family yet! He's just waiting for the right moment!!!
But you already met his friends and you felt uneasy vibes!They are copies of each other! They talk same,act same,even use the same slang!!
If you feel like his friends are basically like him just run!! Leave!! They are group of fuck boys!

10- He won't give up chasing you :

He knows every step to take to get a woman attached... Everything to do and what to say , you will seem astonished at first , happy to have this kind of man of careful because this sounds creepy and he won't give you time to guess ... He will tie you down , do whatever you like and whatever you want, he will always try to guilt you for not doing what he wants!and if you ever try to leave he will beg you just like a lil hoe !! He will keep hitting on you even after you rejected him! He won't give up chasing you , til you be convinced he's really into you ... It's a game fuck boys play 

11- He seemed like a proper gent but you feel something really wrong :

He's a gentleman.. so polite,so protected, serious about this relationship, he talks about marriage and kids, he asked about everything belongs to you! He asks about your family and he trying to be a part of your day ..He's amazing , he's trying to make you happy and he's saying he's about to do anything possible to keep you ...

But despite all this you feel something really wrong ... so don't ignore the signs because it's absolutely wrong!!

12- He's playing the victim :

He's the victim of family decisions and childhood problems, all of his Exes has cheated on him ... He's innocent and sincere and people trying to use him ..He has no friends because all of them manipulated him!! A fuck boy will tell you all the possible lies to make himself look like a victim and to make you think like he's really honest and he trust you already to open u this much to you... he will always play the victim role. And you will watch him doing shits without warning then expect People just to deal with it.

13- He's treating people so bad :

 the way he treats people Is important. If he's screwing this and that,yelling with no reason,get mad at the bartender,this a sign he's just acting good to you til he get in your panties .

14- He's saying sex not important :

He says he doesn't care about sex at the first place, he says he wants just to spend the night with you, nothing more...
He's saying you're different from other girls he met !! It's all words fuck boys learn.

15- He thinks the world all about him :

 It's all about him ,the world turn around him ,and he wants you to be a cheerleader,clap for his victories and cry for his loss!
He wants you to think he's so important as much as his seeing himself!! He doesn't care what you want or how you feel. He doesn't care about your pain or sorrow,he will never share. Fuck boys see women as an object that satisfies only their animal needs.

16- He's wearing a mask :

He will act so nice ,so understanding,til you fall for him then their true colors will show off. Don't let him disrespect you just because you love him. You still get time to Go.

17- He's only obsessed with watching porn :

He's all about porn , he talks about new positions he saw and different kind of sex he has done with his Exes ... A fuck boy only think about sex and how to get it! No matter from who !!! You or any other girl who can afford it...He just wants to experience a porn sex with someone expert ...

18- He just think he's a movie star :

If he's living a music video, tryna look good only to impress bitches, he's caring about the way he looks and the last trend of fashion, he's definitely a fuck boy.

19- He's a flirt :

No matter how many times he's saying you the one his eyes seeing he still turn around Everytime a hot girl pass by ... He's with you but he's eyes on every girl he sees .. He likes girls with no make up but you caught him staring at them ... He loves you and he likes the way you look but suddenly when other girl look at him he gets no chill ...

20- His Ex :

 Most fuck boys Will tell you that their ex still calling up his phone,they only use this line to push you ahead to do more for them and you will try your best to keep him.
He will talk about what she did for him or how much she loved him...
If he ever puts you in a comparison with an Ex just leave him.

Falling in love with a fuck boy is easy , he knows exactly how to make you fall for him , but the consequences gonna be horrible, you gotta damage yourself in this relationship trying to please this guy who won't be ever satisfied! You will always believe his lies and he will keep Lying .. if you ever meet a guy with all the previous signs just run  away, and don't ever regret leaving , a fuck boy is someone who will damage you mentally and emotionally If you stuck around ...


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