Reasons why men run away after having Sex
The story repeat itself, you found yourself waiting for a phone call from the guy you just fucked last night.. you thought having sex with him will bound you together, but he has done his thing and he splits before sunrise.
It's an ordinary story, most men loose attentions to whom they sleep with.
It's a guy's point of view...You will never understand and we cant fault them for acting that way ,but some men just cant stay..
Here are prohibition why men leaving after sleeping with you :
1- He won't stay just because he slept with you :
Let's be clear, most women think having sex will make the relationship stronger,but for men sex sometimes is priority, they losing touch after intimacy and nothing will stop them from leaving.
2- work:
* Maybe he's a workaholic, his busy schedule prevents him to be in a relationship.. he has no time because of his never ending work .. so he must run away early in the morning.
3- He was just horny And you was available!
* Some men hate getting easy girls! Like you were there , he flirted with you and you flirted him too ! He got you to bed .. as simple as that !!
You seemed you were available ! Conclusion is he just slept with you because he was horny and you was
Maybe, he didn't actually like you, but he was just horny and for some guys they just sleep with who is available..
4- He's a one night lover!
* He's probably in a different bed every night, so don't ask him to stay for breakfast after sleeping with you, because if he wanted to, you wouldn't ask.
For a man who used to sleep with different women , breakfast is his worst nightmare.. He will bolt out the door before you even notice.
5- He's afraid of commitment :
Some men are afraid of commitment, they are not ready for a relationship, if you think you will be together after having sex, you're completely wrong.
Men tend to have more privacy ,they need to deal with their emotions privetely before expressing them.
It's just wrong to expect men to experience the same emotional energy that we might feel about having sex.
Truth be told , sex is sex , so he didn't worth your time from the start so it would definitely be better if you don't expect anything from him.
You'll never know why !!!
The easiest way to get through a situation like this is to just understand it's all about one night only it cannot become a relationship later on.