
✌❤You never enter a relationship with a psychopath expecting to be abused, played of and damaged , they are usually the perfect partner to be in a relationship with, they will trick you with love and that's how it goes . Then a trianglaton sets in!
Psycopaths are mostly predators​, they know exactly what they want from the victim and how to get it and how can you give them what they want, only with love, flattering and attention, because no matter how confident or strong you are , love is what makes you vulnerable by default. They manufacture the illusion of love , because that's how they can control you, they don't need no physical agression because this relationship they are in is a perfect opportunity for them to get what they want. They seek power and control, they dominate their victim sexually, emotionally and physically. In order to torture an control their targets Psycopaths utilize certain behaviors, create​ a love triangle , an aura of desaribility of being wanted, and courted to many, they are always wanted by their Ex lovers, by members of the opposite sex, they manufacture the illusion of being wanted , It will become a point of vanity for you to be the preferred object of their attention, to win them away from a crowd of admirers. Triangulation is what they create to trick you , they make you believe this way that they are in high demand and keep you obsessed with them at all times.

1# Psycopath make it feel like a competition :

Being in love with the psycopath is amazing at first, before the trianglation starts , they give you attention and admiration, make you feel like you're the only one having it all, then a competition​ reveals when you find out that you are irreplaceable and their Fidelity is questionable, they manifucture situations to make you feel jealous by proving that they are untrustable ,  they might be pursuing other options, or spending time with other people, so that you can never settle down into a feeling of peace. And they will always deny it.

They wanted to make you feel like you're in a competition because they seek attention always from the outside, yours was never enough as you thought , you are never "all what they wanted" , you should feel jealous, feel like you're going to lose them so you give more if your love and attention.

2# psycopath seek attention from the outside :

Remember first you met the psycopath how much attention they gave, and​ how​ caring they were , they told you how horrible their family are and how unlucky they are with friends, everyone is trying to use them , so they regretted caring for the wrong people as they say and it's you who deserve attention.

Their game is to lured you in a high level of attention, it's like you're the only one in this world and they see how special you are so they cherish an appreciate it , but it's never like that ! Because Psycopaths will give the same attention to somebody else, so it feels very personal and very confusing when they direct that attention .

3# Remember when you was the reason why psycopath is happy , now you are not the reason any more :

It's common tactic psycopath seek attention and sympathy and no matter how much you gotta give they always seek it elsewhere !
When you met psycopath for the first time , they was broken hearted and lonely, your job was to heal their wounds and their tactic is to absorb energy from you.
They are happy now more than ever and you're the reason as they make you believe.

You're the responsible of their happiness and without you they can't survive, they can't stop talking about their past bad relationships, abusive Exes , cheaters , users and unfaithful friends, but then they turn to their past relationships, they contact their Ex and they still meet the friends they told you they had done with!! And you will never understand.

I was in this situation litterly , my ex psycopath manipulate me through trianglation, it was a sick game , old exes came on the surface, memories he said he hate to remember now he wanted them back, songs he shared with his abusive ex , now he's listening to!!! It was a confusing state of mind!!! It was totally incomprehensible for me, but for him it makes​ no mistake: it is carefully calculated.
Their target is to leave you feeling unhinged, anxious, crazy and jealous. They love seeing you lost and in pain, ask them why and they will make you feel silly. 
Actually this makes the competing party feel confident, loved, and special. They are grooming others as they erode your identity: two birds with one stone.

4# They have always excuses:

It's a mind game psycopath play!! remember that. They Covert abuse because it's impossible to prove, a mind choas you won't find an end .
They Know​ you will appear jealous, and they will calmly provide an excuse for everything and then blame you.
My ex psycopath once did remove our relationship on Facebook! I knew in my heart there's sombody new or an ex but it was impossible to prove, I remember I asked him why and he said I'm old enough to be complaining about Facebook statuses it seems​ immature. That’s exactly how he wanted​ me to feel, and that's exactly how I felt.
Excuses is what the psycopath can do better, they find always an exit, and they could turn tables around you easily,blame you for their mistakes said it's your fault.
They made you believe it's really your mistake, so you start apologizing for things you didn't do! Then they will threatening to leave because you don't trust them .

5# Givers are psycopath best friends :

Dating a psycopath takes lotta sacrifice, believe me when I say you're going to give your all an more and they won't get enough. They know exactly what they want from you and how to get it with love plays and sympathy. They first hook you up because they know you got what they want .Psycopaths are expert at finding the right people to play with their emotions , givers are mostly insecure people who find self-worth in taking care of others. Your giving is never significant and it's replaceabale, psycopath always look for other sources, others with qualities but the very opposite of you, and nothing like you.

It's horrible that feeling that you wasn't ever enough and all of your efforts and your energy was in vain, because at some point through this damned relationship you gotta feel useless, replaceabale, and no longer special. They will get bored of you eventually no matter what you gotta do, They seek attention from the outside because when they think you don't give them the worshipping they deserve, thst they’ll always have other sources. They are looking for positive energy, you give a little or a lot always same result, because in fact they don't need you, Psycopaths need to be surrending always with fans to spoil and admire them, these fans make them think they are special and great.
I have been through this ,my psycopath lover was someone who's surrending himself with fans , friends, ex lovers, people he said they are his enemies! He admired being the center of attention, this what Psycopaths are looking for.

6# This what happening when the psycopath decid to leave :

Its the final line,The final triangulation happens when they make the decision to abandon you There where You gonna rise up all your mechanic defense to keep the relationship, and they will use this to torture you more .

This relationship is never what they expected this what they are going to convince you with ! Or you should have left from the very start to save yourself this heartache!!!!! The psycopath will say this ! For him  the relationship ended long time ago but you was the one hanging and wasting your time and your energy. While you are looking for another chance to make it right again, they will begin to complain about your difficult behaviors and how miserable he was in this relationship, and they might deserve better than this , because you a bunch of problems and you lack confidence on him that's one of the thousands million reasons of why he's going to leave.

If you nagging it's going to be waste , so it's better not to try to save this horrible relationship, because they already made their decision and nothing is going to stop them. The target now is to torture you, and if you allow them you gonna taste the pain of the break up more every day!
They made the decision to leave finally because there's somebody else and most of the time the psycopath sets the trianglation from the very beginning of the relationship. Probably The ex they said they don't love no more, or that girl they said she's just a friend, or his friend's ex girlfriend, trust me they won't look that far, because the next target sets from the very start.
This target been around almost the whole time, talking about you and the relationship that makes them miserable, and the target been there to support them !After the break up they will openly brag about how happy they are with their new partner, and you will know it , they will try to keep you informed especially if you didn't cut off all contacts, they won't be secretive about how happy they are now without you.

Jealousy and anger is what you are going to feel and that's what they exactly need and even hate is needed to feel some value in your energy. Mind games that will drive you to suicide, trust me!
Through my relationship with my ex psycopath, thought I'm the one , thought I'm special enough for him so nobody is going to be compared to me and take my place inside his heart! But from the very start , there was always somebody else, a friend he hang out with and talk about our relationship to, or an Ex that accepts the fact that we are together or his friend's girlfriend that complain about her relationship and he's trying to solve her problems!!

It was a circle, the trianglation won't end , and when I was trying to talk about this he tried to make me feel crazy, said I'm jealous and that I don't trust him!!
when he decided to leave , he left when everything was right between us, almost after when we make it all right and we moved on from all the past mistakes! His next target was his friend's girlfriend the one he used to solve her problems, and she was there from the very start, when I begin to uncover his lies, another face of him uncover, the indifferent, careless one !!! I was surprised this man once told me that I mean the world to him! he was afraid to lose me, afraid to hurt me !!! And now he wave his new relationship to my face , trying to drive me insane, now I feel like enemy!
When The trianglation sets you will feel hate and anger to the target , because probably you feel she knows you are there from the start but she kept going on til he abondoned but truth is the target was never the one to blame!!!
 Believe me when I say you're going to see too much, the psycopath behind the mask is what you're going to uncover just when he wants to !

*** How to protect yourself ???????:

First of all , don't accept to be friends with the psycopath after the break up!! I know you are waiting for another chance and you think he's going to see your worth this way but it's never like that! If he's really worth it he wouldn't cheat or lie at the first place ! And it's better if you cut off contacts and save yourself lotta drama and pain , because again you gonna be a part of his trianglation, but in different position.

It's all a devastating emotional abuse and your abuser knows where it lays your weakness and how to murder you slowly! It's better if you know your worth and learn self respect! Don't allow any creature to disrespect you, don't accept cheating and lied to! and don't forgive too much!

Relationships are based on respect, trust and love ! If you learn what's acceptable and what's not there when you start to know your self worth.
This kind of relationships leave long lasting damage but later you won't be able to accept any kind of mistreatment ,or lies! Just when you find yourself playing the detective with someone is when you should leave! Trust is the basic of Evey relationship and without it there's nothing going to work .
Its a self torture, trust me! Distrust and suspicious kills! Remove that toxic person from your life and move on , you are not that sad ,needy monster as they made you feel, you are not insecure but you were manipulated, you were not yourself in that relationship was better to end it from the start.

Talk to me

share with me your own experience, I like to know !


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