Is he a psychopath ????

He is a charming gentleman,a man who talk to you the sweetest talk ever, like​ he never been happier before you met. He's like a daydream, and being in love with him Is like a fairytale...but suddenly the nightmare unfold in the blink of an eye, a transition will leave you traumatized, now you just lost your self-esteem for someone who seemed to have none to begin with. The psychopath looks really different than any other man you ever met. You probably felt sorry first when you met him, he had so many shocked phases in his life, he has so many sympathetic qualities, my Ex told me that his girlfriend has cheated on him with his best friend, and I bet your Psychopath will find a story alike to tell... They have been always through the same shit, their ex had cheated or probably abused them, their family never stood by them, he's never been his parents favorite, never liked himself or the way he looks, never been loved before you came and cross his road and now he's so much happy and he can't believe that he has found somebody like you. He will beg your love and your attention, he will beg you to trust him because nobody ever did before. He will beg you to never hurt him or betray him like they did before,and this is where your empathy kicks in. You can't leave him in his worst, you have to help him to make him feel better and to heal him, you don't wanna be like " them " those he told they left  when he needed them the most. And here's comes the sacrifice, now that you have to put your-self down to raise him up, you have to give your all and do whatever it takes ... genuinely he will look like he's adoring all of our efforts... but it also seems like he never got enough , and all he wants is more love, more time, more efforts.. but nothing seems to satisfy him.. besides, the desperate Psychopath who only finds strength by you, gotta compare you to his past exes , you probably look like one of them that's why he liked you at first, but to him you're different than her, different than anybody else, you're something else and above every one else.. he's convincing you with this , idealizing you, he's adoring all of you, into all this mind choas you will feel paralysed, then it's like all of your efforts has finally approved, finally there's a purpose.. The psychopath will admire you, the way you look even when you think you look miserable... You will feel special and unique.. so you start to feel lotta confidence .. his plan is to make you think that you're irreplaceable and he will never find nobody like you ! The true thing is this never been true!

when you are a survivor all what im talking about here is making sense , I know i haven't been in love with him at first , and I thought I'm better off without him, I haven't even attached to my Psychopath physically at first, he wasnt attractive to me at all, but with time I begin to adore everything about him, so you do ! Psychopath will make you feel like you can’t even think of anyone else sexually. he was everything I wanted as he make me think ,but it was only a delusion.

 Later you become so attached to the Psychopath, can't imagine a life without him, you try to heal his wounds, to be what he wants you to be, til you come to a point where you actually start to believe that he can't really live without you, then your insecurities begin to unfold Because now it seems like he can live really without you. 

Truth is he can , but he's trying to make you believe that you're this important, you believe in love with someone who doesn't seem to love himself even.. you come to a point where you actually start to believe that you're the one able to heal him, you become obsessed with proving your kindness, your compassion and your loyalty Because you believe the problem is their insecurity. If you make yourself vulnerable enough, surely they will learn to overcome their inferiority complex.But that’s not the problem and it never was.

Your job now is to love your Psychopath more than his previous Ex's, more than his family and more than his friends,you feel like you should be what's he's expecting you to be... But truth is you're chasing a manufactured illusion.

The Psychopath make you feel like you're enough but sometimes you feel the opposite,you're under the impression that you're perfect to him, and only you can build his trust to the world again and you start working on how to do that!

He is feeding you insecurity to manipulate and dominate you, and you will feel like you're under their control.. you do whatever they want and more.. that's why you end up feeling your self worth from making him happy. You do whatever it took to build his happiness You constantly complimented their looks, you didn’t mind paying for dates, you laughed at their jokes even when they weren’t funny. And in return, you were rewarded with their overwhelming appreciation that gave your life meaning.

But as time goes tables turned around , they was seeking your attention and now you're desperate for their approval. Now they look like they never needed you from the start , and they can survive without your attention and love , they are annoying with you and how you care for them now that Your unique ability to make them happy wasn’t so unique after all. This triangulation was pure torture.

All of your efforts was in vain.. it was nothing, he gave you false sense of importance and self confidence so you opened up fast !This is why you trusted the psychopath very quickly and let them into your life without a second guess.You was pouring love and admiration and truth is he never needed that. And now it's like you the only one needed his attention, you began to feel alone and empty , you begin to ask why he changed, and he used the silent treatment to punish begin to seek the attention he gave and all he's trying to do now is to make you feel stupid and useless, it's like the end is coming , waving to you goodbye, but he's not going to leave you so soon. So you start looking for how to get it all back like before, so you continue the self destruction. It's scary thing, despite your own beliefs you find yourself falling for their game, drifting away , doing it all without considering your own needs , now it's like all you care about is their feelings and how to be always what they want you to be.

It's scary ain't it !? You think you have it all ,you think  you're finally loved and getting love in return, and your psychopath lover make you believe that you're irreplaceable, and you continue investing yourself worth in them, they want to burn your bridges and break your walls, so you open up more and more giving them the power to take it all away from you and you were addicted to more than just their attention—you also became addicted to their approval of your attention. You felt empty without it, and that’s why a psychopathic breakup takes so long to recover from. 

Now all your life is bound to the words he said, you feel like you're dead without him, and nothing make a meaning if he's not by your side, you think it's right to love someone this much but it's a self distraction, your self worth is going to scratch, you just can't think of anyone else take their place because you think you can't find a replacement for your psychopath approval that's what give your life meaning.

I know it's really hard to define a psychopath from the start , he's looking charming, loving and it's hard to spot the early signs, but as time goes by you begin to feel how he has no conscience, psycopaths can harm others with no sense of remorse or guilt. Pay attention to their ex relationships, to their family relationship, to the stories he gotta tell and try to read between the lines..

Wondering if you might know or even be in a relationship with a psychopath? Here are the HHewilnver ning signs:

1# He prey your sympathy :

Psycopath is that man with a baby persona who's​ been through very difficult times , he has family issues, bad ex who's cheated on them, and probably used them and abused them... He's a broken hearted individual who's been looking for someone true to love . You will find a soft place in your heart for this person who looks really lost and despair. He said he only wants a honest partner and you're the one he has been looking for all his life , he doesn't like cheating and betrayals yet you will soon come to notice that he's a liar, a cheater and and abuser.

2# He rushes to the Relationship trying to get things done fast :

When you first meet a psychopath, things move extremely fast. He announced the relationship early , introduce you to his family and friends real quick and make​ it official before let you the time to get to know him! My ex psycopath put a Ring on it from the very start !!!! But every psycopath knows what to say to explain his rush to a relationship, like you has so much in common, you're just so perfect to be true and he don't wanna lose you , you will believe it, it's really easy to trust him, he does everything possible to gain your trust and to be fascinated with you in every level. It may surprised you at first ,but he's ready to any kind of commitment and you won't question his loyalty.

3# He still contact his Ex's playing the victim and trying to make them feel bad for what he thinks ty have done to him:

Once you get through his phone you will find that he keeps all his exes phone numbers, ask him what for ? And he will say that they still contact him begging for a second chance! It's always like that Once you’re hooked, the triangulation sets in. The psycopath can't get rid of his past , still contact his ex trying to make her feel bad for that their relationship was end! It's not he wants them back for real , but his former lovers added them with the attention they need! Tht doesn't want them back but he wants to make them feel guilty all the times for what he has done !

4# He denies his manipulative behaviors accusing you for being crazy :

He will never admit his mistakes , he will deny it, try to accuse you with being crazy and ignore evidence when confronted with it. He call you cheater when he's the one cheating, and liar when in fact he's lying.. it's always your fault, he flirt with his Ex because you didn't give him enough love and attention, call you jealous and crazy and ignore you for days then call you needy ...They become dismissive and critical if you attempt to disprove their fabrications with facts. 

5# He's has always excuses to say, hes lying and he's doesn't admit it:

Psycopath constantly lying because he wants to feel ​your sympathy, there's always an excuse for everything, even things that don’t require excusing. And he won't admit it even when you find out, he will always blame others , but it's never his fault, and he never feel ashamed or embrassement.

7# At first the psycopath directed all his attention to you then its like he never loved you :

The beginning of your relationship is imaginary, it's like a fairytale, you will admire every minute with the psycopath and he won't mess a moment without showing his love , he will direct all of his attention to you, make you feel special, comparing to no one, then the situation turned out fast, he begin to withdraw and focus on other people which makes it confusing, he start flirting, contact his exes , do things that makes you constantly doubt his love . He looks completely bored, accusing you for being misunderstanding and jealous, he become annoyed with the passionate relationship he created , annoyed that you still stuck with it . He is going to look for somebody else that could give him love differently, not suffocate him like you do!!! He drain energy from you, he high demands adoration and attention, you should be his own and in the opposite you can't own him, he wants to feel free in this relationship, do what he wants to do while you can't do but what he wants you to do!!! He looks empty, thirsty for love and no one can fill the void of the psycopath's soul.

Encounter with a psychopath is a nightmare, you will feel love but then its going to transform to panic and anxiety real quick, you don't Know what to do to please him, what could satisfy his needs and keep him always with you! He's threatening to leave , threatening to kill you if you ever leave! All the choas that starts since you met the psycopath won't end, you're going to watch your actions, your words, you try to avoid everything that makes him angry, he will try to isolate you to weack you, you are losing your friends, you leave your family, you spending all your money, you're going down but at the same time you love the sacrifices you doing for him for nothing , he's taking your all, you no longer you, you lost your identity, you don't know how to end this mess , because ending it up means losing your psychopath and that means losing yourself as you think. You're going to go through hell , the psycopath won't leave you til he take it all from you, you barely sleep thinking he might leave as he said, thinking he's cheating again like he did last time and promised to never do it again! You apologize for things he has done , he's accusing you for being a cheater, and you think you did something for real... It's a mind game that going to leave you traumatized, you will feel exhausted and drained​.

It takes really long time to find out if you're dating a psychopath! Personally it takes me so long to get rid of that damned relationship, and it takes really a quiet time to recover, usually these relationships leave long-lasting damage, with feelings and doubts that you’ll never be good enough. 

I spent times analyze the past and try to figure out why my partner has done so much wrong to me , then wave it to my face with no sense of guilt, and move on really fast like he never did what he has done , blame me and accuse me for Being over sensitive! Trust me Encounter with psychopaths like suicide, you're  drowning slowly , and you won't recognize , he never care how good you are despite he told you that you're special, he will provoke your insecurities until your entire personality become unrecognizable, beside no matter how much they hurt you, it’ll still be your fault.. you're always the one to blame no matter what the situation was.

Unfortunately, there are alot of victims who fell under the Psychopath charm and end up really broken by all meanings, it's like an endless choas that won't dissipate so soon.

Fortunately, there is always hope for healing. It’ll feel impossible at first, but easier with time. 

## Talk to me :

Have you ever been in a relationship with a psychopath??? Write your own story , I'd like to share your experience with you..


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