How to get an Ex back ?

You broke up, you been hanging around with a new one but things won't gonna get any better, you think you deserve another chanct want him back, In this case , I'm talking about the women who been dumbed by the man but still in love with them. Sometimes, we argue too much , we care too much , we love too much ,til we suffocate him and instead of dealing with our psycho side , they prefer to leave to breath elsewhere without you being nagging over everything, and jealous over everything that moves  !!! Yes sometimes they love you enough to leave, sometimes you just run out of chances and it's better to separate ways ! There are a hundred million ways to break up but If you're dealing with a very painful break up , and you can't take the idea of him being with a new one,You're just obsessed with getting him back it's not too late too rekindle the live with your ex, but don't get rush and make any mediciore moves , here's 10 methods to be his girlfriend once again :

1# Don't overreact when he announce the break up :

Don't cry or scream, don't break dishes or tearing your hair up , don't beg , don't insist, just don't look like you're diying and your world is about to end , leave the drama aside for now , accept the break up, let him wonder why you're cool with it, you can turn to a crazy dramatic psychopath later , but not now in front of him !! He will be upset , thinking why you are just OK with that !!! and he will search reasons, are you dating somebody else ? Are you done loving him ? Wassup with you ! Just don't give him the satisfaction of watching you going down .
"My past relationship was in and off all the times , I was begging for him to stay every time he decided to go, I was crying all of my tears,saying I'm going to die without you, please stay!!! and it was all wrong ! Last time he broke up with me I was a quiet about it, I said OK, let's end it up ! and a few days later , he just come back !
I mean don't give the situation a huge size , accept it , he will stay if you beg just to stop all the drama you're making, but he will leave quietly next time. Begging is not going to change his mind, it will only make you look like a needy person, unattractive and silly . He doesn't break up with you to see you begging !!!

2# He's dating somebody new , just stay away :

Nothing painful more than watching your ex getting in new relationship quickly while you still trying to heal, wondering why he left or how to get him back , but in fact, You don't need to understand why he left, or does he love his new girlfriend,stop looking and analyzing, he won't be straight with you, even if he does the truth will hurt you! Because his new relationship that starts right after the break up won't last any way,he's just feeling lonely and you was left a hole in his life , at the end he will realize that nobody is you and none will replace you and he will take you back !!! If things seemed serious between them , don't panic , don't stress, don't look for ways to ruin his new relationship, because the faster it moves , the faster it will end. He's just in this relationship to distract him from the pain of losing you.
Just stay away and watch how things goes, don't try to convince him to leave his new relationship, the more you insist the more it makes him wanna stay, be cool about it, don't give any opinion.

3# Never stalk , never chase :

Let him go wherever he wants, don't stalk his social media, liking every thing he posts, and every status he updates , you should have been blocking him in every account, don't chase him in every bar he attends, looking rediculous and don't call all the time or text , just let it be , he won't go further , just ignore him i bet he will go back.

4# Never text , never call :

The most communication mistake people do after the break up is calling their Ex and text them a thousand of texts, just imagine when you don't really wanna talk to a person and they are calling and texting almost all the time even though you haven't replied! As a result, texting and calling your ex will make him more ignorant, less attracted to you, if you want him back ,you should give them the time and the space.
Cut off all the contacts , if you want to get him back ,he has to realize how much he misses you . Don't spend your time with his commun friends, don't run to him accidentally.

5# Don't confess your love during the break up :

Trust me, your Ex knows how much you love him , he was with you and probably he's feeling same but this not what caused the break up!  Your ex doesn't need to hear your love confessions, it won't help ,it will only make them more defensive,more stubborn and it won't change their mind. Every time you express your love it will only make the break up a sure thing in their minds .

6# Cut the drama Stop being miserable over him :

Pity is unattractive, neither is begging... You didn't beg to be with him from the start , so don't beg him to stay now, don't rely on his pity, this won't help, it will only convince him that he made the right decision by leaving you. Matter of act,He won't feel pity for you, whether you are dying or commiting suicide because of him! So just stop the drama! Do not post sad Facebook status, whenever he calls, don't tell him how much you miss him and that you can't live or breath without them, and how lonely you are without him, he will never take you back just because he feels a little bit of pity for you , just drop this stupid idea because you will only look a miserable Ex , he's glad to get rid of, because at the end of the day , nobody wants to be with a sad person . Begging and using pity to get him back will only convince him that he made the right decision. Just don't look needy and desperate, it will force him to recoil from you and push you away from his life.

7# Don't accept to be a friend with your Ex :

Just don't accept this stupid suggestion, if you think staying with your Ex as friend will bring you back together again you just plain wrong. You will end up getting friend zone by your Ex , because staying in his life as a friend won't give him the chance to miss you or think he's really lost you! In fact, an Ex who asks you to stay friend with you, doesn't look for another chance , maybe you're freind with benefits and you will end up listening to your ex new stories about his new love and you will help him solving his new issues and you won't get him back this way never ! This will only hurt you.

8# Don't be always available :

You might think giving your Ex whatever he wants will bring him back to you ,but actually, this the worse thing you can do ! Being available the whole he's sign to him that he's in control with you and you are not going nowhere which means there's no reason for him to get back together with you ... don't show him you desperate vibes , don't ruin your chances with him by being available and giving in to him and giving him everything , just don't chase after him to get his attention and he's affection!!! stop it !!!

Unfortunately, being available and trying to be there for him all the time make him lose respect for you and see you as a desperate person who doesn't need to be with ,he wont respect the effort you will do , it will just push him away even furtherather.

9# Get strong :

During the break up phase train yourself to be stronger, learn how to live without him, he will notice your absence from his life and during this time work to improve yourself, grow as a person and learn how to be more confident and comfortable and happy outta this relationship, he will be sliding backwards into thinking about you, missing you and trying to get you back....

GEt get rid of all the negative emotions and let go of the pain of heartbreak... be aware that the relationship is over and move on, accept this fact and get rid of all your insecurities the more confident you become the more attracted you Will be to him.

10# Look good , dress good and do good.      :

Try new things you never did before, change your hair color , wear different styles , dress good , don't let yourself look miserable never ...and  force yourself if you have to , to go out your house, be more outdoorsy than a homebody , hit the gym, excercice and never underestimate the power of physical attraction to keep or attract a man again, you should be physically fit and attractive.

Basically, you need to surround yourself with beauty, meet new people and date someone new , focus on the positive and don't force things to happen, let your wants wants you at the end.

Your relationship can he saved if you fellow those 10 tips ! .and make sure he will be back later no matter what ! They always do.


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