Why it takes so long to recover after being in a relationship with a sociopath??

Nothing worse than dating a psychopath, nothing will damage you mentally and emotionally than being in love with this type of guys, that's why when it comes to psychopath encounter your Relationship usually take an unusually long time to recover from. It's tough days , i certainly know. It's like you're damaged, and no way to get yourself back together again.
Survivors often find themselves frustrated because they haven't healed as fast as they'd like. They also end up feeling traumatized and broken by it's meaning. There's no specific time to move on, it needs always your strength to get over it , heal and get your heart back in a good place​.
But usually, survivors live days and nights blaming themselves, you feel like it's your fault and you all wrong , that's what the psycho has convinced you with, making you feel guilty for what he has done to you , said it's your fault and if you didn't do them wrong he would never go! He will move on as fast as you can't imagine, and he will leave you in the dark broken in ashes , you don't Know what was your fault and why he's now the devil himself!!!!!!
suddenly you mean nothing after you meant the world to him, and you just don't know where all this cruelty came from!!!? Why he's like he never loved you!!!!!!
But to recover you always need to get the psycho out the picture, he is not the winner, it's not a war as he make you believe, it was a relationship with the wrong person and unfortunately, that person was a psychopath.
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The Psychopath make you believe in Your mind that if you feel so powerfully, then they must be the only person who will ever make you feel that way. And when you lose that person, your world completely falls apart. You enter a state of panic & devastation. It takes a great deal of time to come to terms with this personality disorder. You end up having to let go of your past understanding of human nature, and building it back up from scratch. You realize that people are not always inherently good. You begin to feel paranoid, hyper-vigilant, and anxious. The healing process is about learning to balance this new state of awareness with your once trusting spirit.
If you're trying to get through this and move on, and it feels like nothing help at all here's why healing takes a little bit longer than what you have expected :

1# Your feelings was manipulated by the psycho :

Being in love with psycho is abnormal, you won't feel like it's an ordinary love , Because he will take your feelings to another level, and you will feel like you're feeling it with all your heart.
But it's never enough , you will feel always obliged to give so much love and it's like your psycho lover is never satisfied.
It's because he hooked you with sympathy , the psycho is somebody who needs love, and nobody loved him right , this way you're gonna feel like you should prove your love and how much you care for him, you're gonna build his self esteem because he haven't none of it. You should have known your dreams has been manipulated by a very toxic individual, who has no regard for your feelings , usually,The human spirit takes long time to heal from these love losses. Regardless of your abuser's intentions, your love was still very real. It will take a great deal of time and hope to pull yourself out of the standard post-breakup depression.
You have loved a monster but it's ok , the real deal is to survive and heal.

2# From The idealizition phase To the nobody for him :

Endless attention, love , care ,and feelings you have never felt before , you're astonished, he's taking your breaths away and he never stop showing his emotions and talk about it , Al first you will thought you finally met the love of your life, til your beautiful dream turned out to be a scary nightmare.
The Psychopath will pretend to love you no matter what, in every way, it's like a fairytale, in the idealization phase, he won't stop showing his love and attention, unlike most honeymoon phases , he will put you on cloud nine , because later the fall gonna be dramatic.
Then the transition gonna be shocked , in a sudden you become the one who's​scared to be replaced, while at first he convinced you that he's the one afraid if you ever leave someday. In the blink of an eye, you become the one who needs their attention !
It sick mind mind game, the Psychopath will threatening to leave in a sudden all the love and the attention transform to ignorance and neglection, and in this endless maze your thoughts started racing, encouraging to keep this person on your mind all the times and every second of the day. It's a state of desperate love, the Psychopath has created an unpredictable life style with lies, gas-lighting, and triangulation.

3# You have done so much effort and energy to the Relationship but it seems a waste :

You probably worked hard for this relationship, harder than any one you have experienced before, you have putted all your efforts, all of your patience and passion , all of your energy and you're rewarded with the most painful feelings you have ever experienced in your life. Because Psychopaths usually manufacture desperation & desire.
The Psychopath is somebody desperate seek love and attention, usually he's somebody you can't lean on , despite he pretended the opposite in the beginning of your Relationship.
You will find yourself alone in this relationship doing whatever it takes to keep him happy and satisfied , and it seems like he can't get enough, and whatever you do seem to be nothing.

4# Cheating on you is what Psychopaths always put you through:

Infidelity, lies, betrayals, Cheating, Emotional abuse, is what a Psychopath will always have to put you through. If you're a survivor (like me) , you must've know what im Talking about.
He will make you feel like you're never good enough  no matter what you do to please him. Usually, infidelity leaves a long lasting insecurities, long lasting damage, you will hate yourself so much comparing yourself to those people he has cheated on you with .. trying to look better and sometimes you are just desperate and you hate yourself , you hate men, you hate the world , and you hate those hoes he has hooked up with!
It takes years to recover and build self confidence and trust again , it really takes time to heal your wounds and believe that they are not all same .
The Psychopath will never feel any guilt or shame to cheat , but he will Blame you for not understanding him, he will wave it on your face like yeah he has​  cheated and he's happy about it , and you have been the reason , like you never been good enough so he find a replacement.
Its really bad and painful, I just I cannot even begin to explain how emotionally damaging this is , and in this endless torture you will find yourself alone trying to recover. The Psychopath rarely admit his mistakes, and rarely feel bad about you , never feel guilty for what he has putted you through! Don't expect apologizes and regretting...and don't expect him to change and stop cheating on you , he will always do .. no matter how good you are ,and no matter how much love and care you are giving, the Psychopath is a Selfish man who's going to damage you mentally and emotionally with no regard of how you're feeling.

5# Psychopaths have an intense 
emotional & sexual bond over their victims:

When you first meet a Psychopath, you feel like he's not that kinda attractive
Many survivors report not even being attracted to the psychopath at first. But with time, you begin to see them as the best looking person in the world. You can’t even think of anyone else sexually.
This is due to their sexual magnetism, and the way they train your mind to become reliant upon their approval.
By first adoring you in every way, you let down your guard and began to place your self worth in this person. Your happiness started to rely on this person's opinion on you. Happiness is a chemical reaction going off in your brain  dopamine and receptors firing off to make you feel good.
Like a drug, the psychopath offers you this feeling in full force to begin with. But once you become reliant on it, they begin to pull back. Slowly, you need more and more to feel that same high. You do everything you can to hang onto it, while they are doing everything in their power to keep you just barely starved.
6# Psychopath is really a devil :
He is different, He seems like nobody else, and you feel like you never been this high before,Everything you once understood about people did not apply to this person. At first you will think he's just unique because everything he does is different than other people, different than the men you have dated before!
During the relationship, you will experience lotta feelings , from a very hot , passionate love to hate , cursing, and the Psychopath transform to a real devil, he gotta make you feel paralysed, paranoid, desperate and happy sometimes, you will live this experience to the extreme. He will make you feel like he loves you and hates on at the same time, and while you're trying to be compassionate, easy-going, and forgiving, the psycho is using these things against you.It just doesn't make any sense. No typical person is ready to expect that, and so we spend our time projecting a normal human conscience onto them, trying to explain away their inexplicable behavior, but in vain!
I know it's hard to leave a Psychopath, it's like he uses your insecurities against you, once he feels like you're going to leave he pretends to love you like nobody else later ignore you and tells you to go if you want to !
But once you escape away, you begin to feel disgusted, horrified that you let this darkness into your life. Now that you understand, and Everything clicks and falls into place. All of the "accidental" or "insensitive" behavior finally makes sense.
I know how much you tried to explain to people and friends what you been through but it's like nobody understands this inhuman experience that left a long lasting damage that only you can feel and explain.
7# You are feeling like you're​ totally damaged with and without him :
With the Psychopath you are feeling abondoned and empty most of the times, it's like you're not alive until he's around you or Talk to you, it's like you're in the dark and the only way to get out is him! It's the psycho tactics to make you
Feel like you can't live without him, but even when you leave him you end up feeling empty, sad, desperate , it's like you're not alive and Everything is dark and void, you feel numb to Everything and every one around you. You feel nothing at all , never happy , its like he was the only one who makes you feel complete, your encounter with this monster make you feel completely broken, destroyed and lost.
            Recovery from a relationship with a psychopath takes the longest time, you will feel hopeless at first and damaged, later you begin to discover that separate from him was the best for you, now that you Know your worth , your boundaries and your self respect, it will feel safe slowly and your emotions seems to be returning..
You will forget and move on , no matter how long it takes , you will return stronger than ever before, and when you find the courage to love again you will refuse to be treated that way again.
You may encounter toxic people throughout your life, but you won't let them stay for very long. You don't have time for mind games and manipulation.
You will know your worth and you will understand that you deserve the best .
The recovery process will help you to find the strength within you and this will serve you for the rest of your life.
Recovery will take a little bit longer than what you gonna expect and you will feel desperate and hopeless, like it's an endless torture and you will feel like you drain in this pain but don't worry you have been lucky enough to survive that bad experience.
* Talk to Me :

Write down your own story ! How did you fall for a Psychopath​ and how did you survive ??? Im curious to know ..

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