When you should end your Relationship before it starts ???

It happens unexpectedly sometimes. One day you are going about your normal routine when a new person enters your life. A few infrequent encounters and random conversations lead to an exchange of numbers and constant texting. Next thing you know you’re on your first date, really getting to know each other, and discovering how remarkably compatible y are. The conversations flow easily, the teasing is playful, and nothing feels forced. Long walks, ice cream, and card games, the simplest things become so much more enjoyable in their company. But time isn’t always on your side. Your schedules and lives don’t line up, and all too quickly the relationship is over before it really started.

At least there are a few things to be learned from these painfully short-lived experiences.
Usually we rush into Relationships , and we end up feeling ignored and lonely with somebody we thought he's the One ! sometimes we just like the person and we just wanna grab the chance to be with them before the feeling change ...
I guarantee a quick end if you ever get yourself involved with someone real fast ... Because maybe the feeling ain't the same and they don't wanna be committed to a relationship ..
I don't know how to explain it ... But personally I found myself many times committed to the wrong one just because I said yes to an unprepared Relationship... Then it was really hard to end it up , hard also to continue ...
However , imma going to give you tips to save yourself from the pain of a bad Relationship , save yourself from the start and before things evolved , give your new relationship a deep look during  week , test him , and see if he's worth the try ...

1# Does he call you immediately from the day 1 !?!:

I mean does he do the effort it takes to check​ on you throughout the day ? Does he call to just hear your voice ? Or he doesn't care to call unless you meet !?!?
It's important to pay attention to this! I remember I used to start dating a guy who just looked interesting just when we meet each other ! Although, he doesn't ​bother to call , even though I was the one who call most of the times ! It was a doomed Relationship! I just hoped things change, thought if I showed him how much I care and how much effort im willing to do he will do same ... But he continues to neglect and ignore me til I fed up trying to save what can't be saved ...

2# Does he take you Out ?

From the day one , your partner should show interest , you must be treating like nobody else, you should be a priority! Don't let him choose his friends above you ! He must know you are coming first ! I don't mean to say you should be Selfish, but be smart enough to know your worth and your position in your partner life ..

3# You're not the best version of yourself with him :

In the beginning stages of a new relationship people always want to make a good impression. They edit their personality to show a “better” version of themselves.
The main problem sometimes we have with this new person is that we don’t have a “better” version of ourselves with them . Sometimes, we pretend to be someone else, other times we just can't be the real us ! It's not about you , it's always about the other person , you just don't feel comfortable enough with them.
It’s a challenge to edit your personality because for all you know, the traits you tone down could be the ones they would admire. If you have tried to project a “better” version of yourself, but it only leads to feeling anxious about what will happen when you let your true personality show through. And you shouldn’t have to feel anxious about being yourself.

4# You still can't break through their walls :

The walls people build to protect themselves is another infamous tactic when entering new relationships. It’s natural to be guarded because no one wants to get hurt. That being said, it’s a challenge to open up to someone who isn’t fully opening up to you. I could tell you everything about myself, but how is that going to form a connection if you can’t return the favor? It takes time to break through another person’s walls, and also to let your own guard down. This becomes even more difficult when you walk into a relationship knowing your time together is limited. Is it worth letting them in if it’s just for a short while? Is it worth getting to know them when you can already see goodbye on the horizon? If one person answers no to either question, it’s over. You can’t form relationships around walls.

5# They are waiting for you to miss out :

Some people have a mental checklist of what they look for in someone to start a relationship with. A challenging part of building a relationship with someone new is that they are exactly that, new. You don’t know their likes or dislikes, what makes them happy or what drives them crazy. You could be having a conversation with them, and without thinking twice about it, tell them something that is completely opposite to their goals/values/beliefs. Maybe in a well-formed relationship this would be an agree-to-disagree moment, but in the beginning stages, something unimportant to you could be a deal breaker for the other person. Sometimes it just takes one strike to be out.

6# They don't appreciate and cherish you :

Someone new in your life may see things in you that you don’t see in yourself. It doesn’t matter what it is, only that they saw it and told you, and made you look at yourself a little closer. This has both positives and negatives. Whether they see something good or not so good in you is entirely up to their perspective. For instance, I am well aware that I don’t have the most positive attitude in the world. However, I did think I was getting better at being less negative, until it was pointed out that I complain, a lot. Friends and family grow accustomed to your personality, but when someone new is in your life, there is a fresh set of eyes on you. What your friends and family overlook, they might not.

The length of the relationship may correlate to the length of the hurt, but there is some hurting even when the relationship ends before it really starts... But it's better than continue with the wrong one .. mostly, since we still in the beginning some actions will show you if the one is worth the try sometimes, most of this hurt arises from the thoughts of what could’ve been and what went wrong... if you feel comfortable with the person and they make you feel relaxing​ just being close to them  and be completely yourself that's a relationship that should be starting , but if you feel the opposite better let go.
In the walking away from a short-lived relationship, you will save yourself from alot of headache from the very start .

* Talk to me :

Im available 24/7 for any question, any story you wanna share with me just write in the comments below or in private messages.

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