Is it Love Or Lust ?????

Never mistake love with lust it's not the same thing, usually in the beginning of Relationships many people confuse these two , but Usually, that fire they ignite within you til you become breathless can't be always love, the kind of passion that keeps you up at night... the waiting for the next date , and the feelings that keeps burning you up , couldn't​ be always love .
As human beings, we get attached to each other pretty easily. We want to feel the hot passion Love. But there’s more  to know about love and lust to separate the two...
There's no big difference between love and lust, emotions is dellusion, and it might decieve you , you will mistaken love for lust and you will end up disappointed.
A relationship based on lust is great if you know what you are getting yourself into and do it with your eyes wide open,
In the opposite if you're expecting so much you will end up disappointed... But what's important is that you don't delude yourself. Here are 10 signs that what you share is lust, and not love :

1# You feel obliged always to impress them : 

It's a challenge, you need always to look perfect in your man's eyes,  you can't go out without them without looking your best, dressing so good , they make you feel like you should  look always good , there's nothing wrong with looking your best for someone, the point is that you take particular care in your appearance each time you meet them. In a relationship that is based on more than just the superficial, you and your partner wouldn't care if your hair wasn't perfect some day because your relationship is much more than all that lies outside. When it's a love affair you shouldn't do a huge effort to impress your partner because he is already impressed... When it's lust your appearance is more important than your soul.
Many people try to grab attention for the sake of flirting; but when real feelings are involved and love kicks in, it’s easy to forget put on your best shoes and your best clothes. And that happens because you’re too excited to see that one person that’s constantly on your mind.

2#You don't connect emotionally :

Emotions are absent between you, and your communication is stunted, you just can't discuss your feelings , they look like they hate to bring such conversations unless it's about sex . For him emotions doesn't matter. In a lust relationship you can't feel any kind of comfort talking about your feelings...
When you connect with someone on an emotional level, you draw comfort from silence...
But the fact that silences are awkward, and your communication is based solely on sex and which bit you enjoyed most should be a neon sign screaming it's pure lust.

3# you can't open a conversation with him :

Lust is all about the sex. It’s not about the conversation, and that mean lead to awkward moments of silence. Love on the other hand, makes you see beyond the sex. It makes you want to know everything there is to know about the other person.

You can’t share your personal issues with someone you’re in lust with. And that’s because you don’t want to showcase your vulnerabilities, and you don’t want them to change the way they see you. Love on the other hand, makes you trust the person sitting next to you; you feel the need to share because you know they will understand and support you.

4# Your memories are associated with sex only :

Each time you think of the moments you've spent with him, you don't think of the movie you watched or the meal you shared, or the walks you took. Instead your thoughts are instantly routed towards all the titillating moments you spent in each other's company...only. And those memories alone stand out in your mind each time you think of him.

5# No plans for the future

You speak of how good it is. How much you want each other. Of your desire for the other one. What you want out of your next 'date'. But one thing you haven't imagined doing is spending a lifetime with them. If the thought of marriage, children, join accounts, shared sleepless nights changing diapers, vacations taken together amongst several others of a similar nature come to your mind over time when you think of them, then you can be assured that this is perhaps more than just pure lust. But if the future never comes into it, ever, then the nature of your relationship need not be spelt out for you.

6# You can't be their friends :

When it's true love you will feel like your partner is your friend and you will feel comfortable with them, no matter what, Which means you are also comfortable talking about most things with them. Your partner is your friend, unlike lust, in which case friendship and the meaningful conversations that come with it are lacking. Conversations making up your problems, your hopes, your dreams, and your life in general are missing from your interactions.
A relationship that makes you feel like you should count from one to three before you open a conversation is never a love one , it's a lust ! Your partner​should be your best friend.

7# They look perfect in your eyes :

In a relationship based on lust alone, your partner most likely appears to be so perfect. And you're left thinking about beauty on this individual. You cannot stop thinking of their looks and believe them to be perfect, when the reality is that they are far from it. In love, you see past a person's imperfections to the beauty and kindness within. There is passion, but it isn't based solely on their looks, rather it is derived from the love you two share.
Lust is synonymous with physical attraction. We love what we see and what we feel on an intimate level, and we don’t care so much about that person’s inner thoughts, perceptions or life goals. When we’re in love, however, we want to know everything about that person. We begin focusing on the smallest details and somehow their defects become the things we care most about. Love and marriage make a true relationship, whereas love and lust lead to flings that don’t last.

8#Lust is all about physical attraction

Lust and passion make us overlook flaws. We don’t care that he  has an annoying voice, or that they don’t have a sense of humor, because there’s a physical attraction. But when we’re in love, we want to connect on a deeper level. We want someone we can talk to, laugh with, and depend on. We involuntarily see mistakes because we care more about the person and less about the sex.
when your relationship is based on lust, and not love. You spend virtually all your time with each other having sex. Indeed, sex is a wonderful way to express your feelings for one another, but it shouldn't be the only one.

9# You just say what he wants to hear :

People who are in lust want to please. They want to make themselves noticed at all costs, and even make the other person believe that they’re perfect. Sadly, you can’t fake it forever and sooner or later your true self will come out on the surface. Love makes us want to keep things real. Just because you share different opinions and perspectives with your better half, it doesn’t mean you’re not compatible. It’s ok to have relationship problems as long as you can find a way to reach mutual ground and make it work.

10# Lust shows you perfection; love makes you look beyond the superficial

Lust is deceiving. It makes us believe we’ve come across a person with no flaws. However when we’re in love, we learn to look beyond the superficial. We don’t necessarily fall in love with the physical, but with what hides underneath a person’s body it's the soul,  love makes imperfect, perfect!

Lust makes people live in the moment, enjoy the physical attraction and that’s about it. When you’re in love you want to more.
Bottom line is, lust and love are two very different feelings. The first one is superficial, whereas the latter goes deeper into your soul. Love makes us want to spend the rest of our lives with the person sleeping next to us; lust only makes you want to enjoy the moment and move on with your life.

** Talk To Me :

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