Is he just attached to you physically ???

You might think your relationship is real only to later discover that your partner was in it for sex and nothing more. Sometimes, the hot passion love you share between you is just a physical attraction... Women usually give their hearts easily falling for the little things men do the opposite, men know exactly what they want in the relationship, they tend to keep their partners hooked up for fun. If you feel like you are being used for sex and there is nothing real in the relationship, look for these 8 signs to prove yourself right :

1# Emotional distance :

In a physical relationship there's an emotional distance level with your partner can mean a lot of things but, in this context, it can mean that either they have someone else with whom they are emotionally involved or there is no one, not even you, who they think is close enough to share their emotions with... Or they just feel uncomfortable with sharing emotions with you, they are just into the thought of getting your clothes off. In a A romantic relationship sex is one of the many ways of expressing love does not lack sharing of feelings. But if the relationship is hollow and has nothing but bedroom intimacy then the absence of emotional sharing is a warning sign of a just sex attraction nothing about love.

2# He doesn't care how you feel :

A boyfriend who's just interests in physical intimacy will never ask how do you feel! Your mission is to satisfy his sexual needs and be there when he feels horny and lonely ... He doesn't bother if you ever feel sad ,angry , or upset and he doesn't care to try to have sex with you every time he wants ! He doesn't care if you want it or not ...

3# He Has a History of Short-Term Relationships:

A person who's interest just in sex is a good Hunter, he knows exactly his next victim and how to get her to his bed , he knows the tactics to do that.. he is unable to keep the Relationship going for a long time , he can't play the role for so long because his dishonesty will show up when he gets bored ... They will get you so attached to them then they will leave when you no longer please them...these kind of men never get too attached to anyone, which can be due to their emotional insecurity; they think it is thrilling. In addition,  men who has a history of short Relationships, just defines one thing : his dishonesty! Whatever the reason is for which they have had short relationships, it can help you assess your current situation. This sign might not be enough on its own to judge their intentions but it does give you a hint. There is no harm in feeling like maybe they will love you like they have never loved anyone but you surely don’t want to be used for sex and later left with your expectations crushed. If you know their history, use it for your own good.

4# Never there when you need them :

It's really easy to find out if your partner really in love or just wants physical relationship !
A man who's just into sex will be there just in bed , never there when you need him, never call to ask how you doing !? Or how was your day unless they know they will drag you to bed later !
I really don't want any woman to get hurt by a man who's just into sex! Be smart and don't think that  if you satisfy his needs and give him everything he asks and everything he wants that he will loves you later ! It's not like that

5#Available just when he wants to have sex :

This is probably the most common and the strongest sign. You will find them making excuses for not attending events or just excuses for not hanging out with you . They will almost always have a reason not to accompany you in such but as soon as it comes to cozying up in bed, they will say yes.
They will agree to go on dates with you for what comes after it’s over; sex. A real partner will accompany you just because he is interest in you ..
but if they are just playing the long game for pursuit of nothing but sex. That's when you should open up your eyes and be careful.

6# when you say No to sex their true self reveals :

It's about the other face they will show you later when you refuse to have sex with them !
They will act so agressive, so mad and they will show you the opposite of them!
When a man wants to get into your panties they will act so in love, and so adorable,  but if you say no to sex it's when you will discover who they really are !

7# They will have sex even if you don't want To:

One sign of your partner being in the relationship for nothing but sex is that you find yourself having had sex even when you did not want to, in the first place.
It is when you clearly tell them that you are not in the mood right now or any other reason for not having it but they convince you anyway that you know that something is not right.... That's when you find yourself having sex when you're sick or tired ! This partner won't take your denial into consideration! He doesn't care how you feel or what you want , he only cares about himself.
But, since they don’t give a damn about anything but sex, they constantly try to turn your no into a yes. It is a serious problem.

8# They try to bring Dirty talk always :

You will notice them trying to make everything about sex.... When they are texting you or just when you share a conversation about certain things... The conversation gets dirty and flirty..
Its fine to playfully flirt and fool around at times in a fun relationship but when everything has to be dirty because they say so, it gets problematic.
You should notice when he's not okay with cuddling or just touching! He always want to turn it off and have sex.

True that sex is a vital part of every relationship, but emotional contact is just as necessary and if they fail to make you feel this, it means that they are only in it for sex, your Relationship should be a loving one, based on communication, understanding and sex should complete the Relationship, if you find that your Relationship is more about sex than love it's when you should understand
that all they expect from the relationship that you take so seriously revolves around sex and sex only.

* Talk to me :

Do you suspect your partner thinking he just wants physical intimacy??? Write it down..


Unknown said…
Needs never Ends

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