Is he an emotional manipulator ???

When it comes to love it's really hard to keep it real, for some people it's just a fun game , a way to get what they want or just a play they do  ...
Dishonesty, lies , emotional damage, abuse , cheating ... Some will do it better on the name of love ...
At first , they will come off as very loving, trust-worthy and caring people, they will do the effort it takes to get you into a deep Relationship, they will shower you with the kindest gestures , the feelings that every female seeking for , just like an insect into a spider web, but once they have you hooked , then their true self will come out and you will be left questioning how you ever loved them in the first place, and why you ever got into this relationship, and how to get over it and the damage they left ...
Matter of fact , the manipulative person is that one who know exactly what to say and what to do , they will look like a caring person but they don't really care about your feelings, to them you are just a tool to get what they want, you only have a role to play in their lives and til then you will be living in their hell ... They will use you and abuse you in all the possible ways , you will never realize just how manipulative​ they are towards you, you will just end up feeling so confused, because they look so in love and protective, and on the other side they are so abusive and jealous , and the worst part is that they will make you lose control somehow don't Know what you should believe and what they really feel about you , they are very good playing their victim in many different situations...
You will spend nights wide awake thinking to let go and leave but love will always hold you back because they know what to do to keep you always around , they have the power to guilt you for their mistakes, for their cheating, for their lies ... and the power to make you wonder " i might do him wrong " " it might be my mistake" ....!!!
You will be wondering what did you do wrong, and they will feed you insecurity, and you will hate yourself for loving them...
They will give you love like never before , then they will leave you if you stopped afford them what they want from you... They will put you under the pressure if giving them what they need, threatening to leave... It's scary, this kind of Emotional vampires have no regard of how bad you might be feeling , no regard of how they make you feel , you just need to be smart enough to avoid coming into contact with manipulative individuals, well, it can be hard knowing what you're facing til it's over , til you gather your broken pieces and analyse things properly ... Til then you will never know ...
For some added help , read this I will mention some commons the manipulative have.. you can save yourself from the very start if you hear your deep self and believe in your instincts, save yourself alot of heartbreak and disappointment and unnecessary stress ...
If you feel drained and confused after interacting with someone and just can't determine exactly why, read further to see if they exhibit these six typical relationship behaviors that can leave you feeling like there's something wrong with you... Those signs of manipulation to look out for, to make sure it's not happening to you:

1# He makes you feel guilty for everything you didn't do :

Manipulation always starts with guilt. If he can convince you to feel guilty for your actions even when you've done nothing wrong, then he knows you'll be more willing to do what he says.
 Manipulators also try and make you believe that they're doing a better job of “loving you” so that you'll be more willing to set aside what you want in order to feel like you “love him just as much.” It's a sick mind game.

2# He uses your insecurity against you:

The manipulative will f*cked you to the point where you no longer trust yourself.
They will turn the tables around you, and they make you wonder did you really did that ?????! They make you feel insecure about everything you do then they
take your insecurities and use them against you.
They have their best interests in mind. And in order to satisfy their wants and needs , they gently twist your thinking until you look to him for guidance on everything.
Once that happens, manipulators can make you basically do whatever they want because you now trust them more than you trust yourself.

3# He makes you feel responsible for his own emotions :

Manipulators are ironic in the sense that they spend quite a bit of time making you feel as if you can’t think for yourself but then turn around and make you responsible for all of their emotions. If they feel sad, it’s probably because you made them feel that way. If they're angry, well, you had better check yourself because you obviously did something wrong.
For as much as they take away from you and for as much as they make you believe that you're totally incapable of controlling your own life, they expect you to be responsible for how they feel.

4# you're the  responsible for his bad behavior :

An emotional manipulator will not take responsibility for their actions. Instead, they will place blame and claim their response was justified based on something you did. Someone who is an emotional manipulator will always make their partner question the validity of their feelings.  emotional manipulators are only concerned about their own needs and wants. If you try to have open and honest conversation about moments when you feel hurt or invalidated, you will be shut down with claims that you are being silly or overeating. 
An emotional manipulator will never apologize; instead, they will blame you and make you start to doubt your emotions. If you find yourself constantly asking yourself if you are overreacting or being too sensitive, it is time to move on. 

5# He puts you down :

If your partner continuously insults you or makes fun of you when you out in public, chances are he or she is an emotional manipulator. This kind of person will prey on your insecurities, but their tactics may not be overtly obvious. The person you are dating may simply 'tease' you in a way that makes your friends and family feel like you are in on the 'joke' when in reality you are hurt by their words. 
We should pointed out that women who grew up in a home where their families put them down grow used to this kind of dynamic, which is why we need to educate ourselves on what is really okay and what is not. 'We cannot enable bad behavior.
If your partner continues to belittle you after you have voiced how much their words hurt you, you should remove yourself from the relationship immediately. 

6# He refuses​ to explain himself :

The emotional manipulators will use belittling statement like 'you wouldn't understand' because 'they have no desire in having authentic, real communication with you'. 
'They want to make you feel like you are beneath them by claiming you couldn't possibly understand.
On the flip side, an emotional manipulator who refuses to communicate their needs will get angry when you don't meet them, leaving you constantly waiting for them to get upset about something you've unknowingly failed to do. 

7# He pretend to change his ways only when you've had enough :

Emotional manipulators have a knack for knowing when you are ready to give up and leave them. At this point, when you are close to walking away, they will charm you and offer things that vaguely sounds like apologies, but chances are, once you get back into the groove of your relationship, they will starting going back to their old ways. it is possible for an emotional manipulator to change however - if they actively seek help for their controlling ways.
while it is important for them to acknowledge that they have underlying issues, addressing is very different than taking action and resolving the problem.

You might be dealing with an emotional manipulator. They're all around us, just waiting to get their next fix of perceived power and control.
There's a fine line between showing consideration for his feelings and being manipulated into feeling what he wants you to feel. Consideration is shown with love while manipulation is ruled by guilty​
The worst part of​ being manipulated in a relationship​ is that quite often you don’t even know it’s happening. Manipulative people twist your thoughts, actions, wants and desires into something that better suits how they see the world and they mold you into someone that serves their own purposes. It's really  Scary !

* Talk to me :

I know how bad it feels , I know-how professional they will play that role... If you ever experienced an emotional manipulative talk to me , I'd love to know how did you get through.


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