Hello Sagittarius​! It's your season ...

Sagittarius This sign is ruled by the Centaur, a half-human, half-horse mythical creature. 
He is the notorious among astrology for being the most attractive personality, it's the fire sign ruled by Jupiter.
Sagittarius is the ninth of the 12 signs of the zodiac, which begins its cycle late fall every year during Sagittarius season.. Whether or not you have Sagittarius planetary placements in your chart , it’s important to understand the energy of this sign, as various planets travel through Sagittarius all year long, activating this sign’s fiery energy for everyone, regardless of your Sun sign.
If you've been lucky enough to meet One I assure you, that  loving a Sagittarius is intoxicating enough on its own.
Those who are sagitturis want to help and get straight to the heart of the matter when they see issues arrive. They tend to encourage people to see the best side of things, and are very optimistic.

A Sagittarius is revered in the Zodiac for moving around so much. They cannot stay in one place, nor can they sit still. Rarely bored, these people often seek out new ways to express themselves and their overactive mind.
Whether you're a Sagittarius yourself (or just on the roller coaster that is dating one), these truths probably sound eerily familiar to you:

1#How To Attract Them ?

Share your passion with them this is how you will attract a Sagittarius, Talk to them about your dreams and all of the things you want to achieve. Tell them about your hobbies, your wildest thoughts, your fantasies and all of your achievements. They will feed off of your ambition, and they will want to be part of the life you are creating for yourself. If you can meet them with the same enthusiasm for their own dreams and goals, they will not be able to resist you.
They will love you unconditionally and they will settle for no ordinary relationship.

2# How to spot them in love ???

If a Sagittarius likes you, they will try to show his interest silently, if it doesn't work they will speak up their minds,  they will try to make you laugh. They will go out of their way to make you smile.
Sagittarian can be some of the funniest and most entertaining people you’ll meet and if they likes you they will  be joking around you ,They have a gift for seeing the absurdity of human nature and turning it into comic material.
They will be playful with you, and they will try to impress you with all of their funny skills and odd behaviors. If a Sagittarius really likes you, they will stutter and act shy around you  something that rarely happens with a Sag.. then their true self will reveal a funny human kind who loves to make you laugh your heart out.

3# How do they want their partner to be ???

They are very adventurous, and very energetic, they like to wander , and to search for the meaning of life,and they  really adore change. They are very honest and independent, you just can't tell a say what to do !
in a relationship they want someone to share them the same passion. But still be very difficult to get a Sagittarius to settle down. They just need a partner who will be able to come and go with them.
Sagittarius love and needs to explore, they are very optimistic and hey need a partner who share their interests ​with them .

4# How to fancy them ????

Invite your sagitturis crash to an adventure, a hike or walk in the forest, they will enjoy this kind of dates.
Nature is Sagittarius best friend, they will love to be there for a walk with you , this is how you will steal his heart. They like people with thirst of wandering.

5# What about sex ???

Sagittarius love sex, but adventurous  sex , that kind of sex that they adore in odd places, they add their spontaneity to their physical antics .
When they really like you they will try hard to be their best in bed, and they don't pay no mind where you are .

6# How do they deal with break ups ???

Sagittarius is a truly independent sign in the Zodiac in a relationship they doesn't want to hear what we have to say or tries to tell them what to think.
Though they do care about being heartbroken, they truly will not dwell on it, they can drop people like a Stinky sack and they will never let it hold them back. Due to their fleeting tendencies in relationships to begin with, Sagittarius will move on quickly and find a new, exciting, adventurous conquest to ease them into a new chapter.

7# Can you deal with them as friends???

Sagitturis life is so exciting, so they will bring the unexpected to your life, they loves to travel and find new places to dig their feet in, they love try new things and As friend sagitturis is they are easy going , they're so fun and you will see life through their perspective, they are adventurous, explores and they love freedom and liberation.

You will never regret meeting a Sagittarius, dating them is an adventure, you will enjoy every moment trust me.

*What they like ??? :

*Starbucks Drink: Skinny Vanilla Latte
*Colour: Magenta, black .
* Greek God: Hestia
*Addiction: Gambling
* Drug: PCP
* Clothing Item: No clothes for a Sag. They love being naked/barefoot.
* Season: summer .
*Symbol: The Archer or Centaur
*Element: Fire
*Ruling Planet: Jupiter : the planet of luck and expansion.
*Favorite Things: Dares, flirting, pets, laugher.
* Favorite music : Pop music, karaoke.
*What he Hates​: Prejudice, routines, rules, being bored, taking things too seriously, the words “you can’t”
*Secret Wish: To make the rules
*How to Spot Them: Strong legs, laughing eyes, comedic facial expressions.
*KeywordsAdventure, Travel, 
Expansion, Honesty, Outspokenness, Wisdom.
* Biggest fear : being controlled.

*Famous Sagittarius  Celebrities:

Brad Pitt, Taylor Swift,Nicki Minaj, Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears, Sia, Winston Churchill, Mark Twain, Jay-Z,


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