Hello! Its Scorpio season ... What you need to know about them ???

it's scorpio season .. i might be late but I always love to write about the most interesting sign between all zodiacs..
Know for their sexual proweress and energies, Scorpios are often very fond of mysterious and metamorphosis.. The mysterious born are also strong willed and passionate and they know how to effortlessly grab the limelight over them, as they possess what it takes to achieve their goals no matter how! They have a magnetic charm that can't be ignored, so they could grab everybody attention with their presence that holds a lot of weight and aggression.
However, they deal with serious situations in a very methodical fashion.. they are focused and they know exactly what to do and how to do it !!!  Scorpios are often dominant figures in their family, social and work groups. They are known to emphasize their powerful, sexual and dynamically deep aspects, but they can also be quite belligerent. In a relationship you should never do what he told you don't ! You will be dealing with his anger .. you need always to be under your Scorpio control, they love to be the leaders.

When ignored, Scorpios react in a strong manner. They will never confront someone, but they will keep their guard up until they have a perfect moment to unleash their words and their fury on someone... Even when that someone is the one they love the most ! They always have something up their sleeve, and hold grudges for insanely long periods of time... Almost for a lifetime! It sounds weird at first but it's their human nature .

Scorpios carry around with them a very strong understanding of the seriousness of life. They are aware of the tragic nature of it all, and therefore, they are suspicious creatures who dislike over optimistic philosophies and superficial attitudes that sugarcoat the human condition. However, they are not all dark. They do have a sense of humour, and they understand that life is filled with irony. They have a lot of tendencies that lean towards self destruction, so Scorpios need to be careful when it comes to controlling behavior, addiction and attachment.

If you been lucky enough to date  a Scorpio, or if you're the lucky born Scorpio.. you know exactly what im talking about... But if you're interested in them read this article. . hope you like what I found about the sexiest mysterious sign between all zodiacs ...

1# What he likes most ???

 They​ loves music and they enjoy watching movies.... If you ever meet a Scorpio he will make you listen to his play list wherever you are in a coffee shop or at home ... And if he invites you for dinner be sure you will watch a movie later...

2# How To make them like you ??

Be sure to share him his interest, love the music he likes and pay attention to every detail about your dear Scorpio and learn them, remember things they say and don't ever miss an advice they gave ..He will make you prove your feelings for them.. so on will show the Scorpio you are trying to court that you are serious about them. If a Scorpio tells you that they are fond of you, do not play any games. You have passed their test, and you must let them know that you reciprocate their feelings, or else they will feel rejected.

3# His Eyes are the prove Of his love :

If you are trying to figure out if a Scorpio likes you, pay attention to how they are around you. Are they giving you extra attention in public? That is a tell tale sign that they are fond of you, because Scorpios do not bother wasting their time with people who do not intrigue them. Around their crush, Scorpios can be really awkward, and you may not realize that they like you because of that. If a Scorpio makes intense eye contact with you, and stares at you often, this is another big sign. Scorpios are known to speak with their eyes, so if they are focused on you — you have them right where you want them.

4# they are passionate :

Scorpios are incredibly passionate when in a relationship. They take intimacy and closeness seriously, because they do not trust many people. Scorpios think that intelligent and honest partners are wonderful, and they need to be with someone who can keep them interested and intrigued. Relationships will always take time with a Scorpio, but once devoted to someone, they are the most loyal sign in the Zodiac. Scorpios are so loyal, they often stay with people long after the spark is gone, which is one of their biggest downfalls.

5# Can you handle their mood swings ????

A Scorpio is intense, stubborn and quite funny at the same time.He’s Controlling and Manipulative and a very confusing creatures. They need to find a partner that can handle their intense emotions and their mood swings, without getting sucked into their dark minds. Scorpios need someone who will love them through those periods of intensity, and who will know when to leave them alone and when to keep them close. You need to be so patient to deal with them , their mood swings is horrible sometimes and you won't expect when it gotta change ...

6# How to fancy them ?????

All a Scorpio needs on a date is alone time. Therefore, a night in with just the two of you will be the best possible scenario for reclusive Scorpio... Wherever you wanna be , outside for a fancy date or just in bed cuddling , Scorpio will like to be the center of your attention... Make sure to create a little oasis for you and your partner... Make them feel wanted , Things like candles, good music, food and wine will appeal to Scorpio’s sensual side, and it will create a hedonistic environment that they will enjoy distraction free... Shower your Scorpio with attention he likes that , and they love gifts and surprises so don't forget that !

7# Sex ... Sex ... ! :

Everyone knows that Scorpios are the biggest freaks in the Zodiac. They love oral sex, and are very dominant in bed. They enjoy a partner who they can get cheeky with, and are usually very intense underneath the sheets.. They love sex so be ready to get laid Everytime they want ... They are sexy and they will satisfy you in bed .

8# Do you think he feels the heartbreak ???

Scorpios may never talk about their feelings, to hey look strong and careless when they break up ,but n fact, they are extremely emotional beings. They are considered to be some of the deepest people in the Zodiac.Therefore, when a Scorpio is dealing with heartbreak, they feel their broken heart in full force. They feel hurt, sad, angry, betrayed, insecure and confused all at the same time. These feelings will last quite a while, before they slowly start to harmonize their life again. They will date Another just after they break up with you but they will never forget you ..

9# is he a good friend ????

Scorpios, although guarded at first, are some of the most loyal friends in the Zodiac... they enjoy having people around them when that aspect of their personality is turned on. They really love surrounding themselves with like minded people, who understand them and can handle their depth. Scorpios want friends that are just as committed to loyalty as they are, and they need to know that they can trust those friends. Trust to a Scorpio is absolutely everything, it is the cornerstone of every relationship and friendship they enter.

10# He's an emotionally distractive creature:

It is rare to see an angry Scorpio, as they are so good at keeping their feelings locked away within themselves. However, when they are angry, and when you are in their line of fire, you better watch out. They will stare you down, and that eye contact will feel like cold knives. They can be very, very hurtful with their words, and their sarcasm can cause a lot of harm to those who have to deal with it. Scorpios also don’t forget those who scorn them, and they will often hold grudges. They are emotionally destructive creatures.

11# When he is sad ....

When sad, Scorpios like to isolate themselves. They grow hostile and can have violent mood swings. Their intensity causes extreme emotions within them, and this can manifest into paranoia. Scorpios often think that it is them against the world, and will feel completely weighed down by that concept.

12# He's faithfull in love so don't try to betray them :

Scorpio in love is like a little kid who wants all your attention, he loves cuddles and touched and they want to be around you all the time and everywhere, he won't get bored talking to you on phone or being with you... So love him unconditionally because he will love you like nobody else did or do .. and don't ever try to betray his trust because you will face his revenge and a grudge that lasts forever; be faithful ... 


* Scorpio favorites

* Colour: Scarlet Red

* Greek God: Ares: God of war

*Addiction: Sex and drugs (most of Scorpios  ...)

* Alcoholic Beverage: whiskey

*Drug: cocaine

* City: London

* Movies: Action

* Clothing Item:  Black Dress
* Season: Summer
* Girls type : hoes
*Money : it's  love
*Internet : YouTube
* Music: Electric ( as I think )
* Compatibility : Taurus , cancer .
* Lucky number: 7
* Worst enemy: betrayal
* Family is first for them .



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