Is he a bad boyfriend ???

Love is  beautiful but sometimes it's just so hard to find ... sometimes we go through a list of bad choices before we end up with the right one....Not all people are lucky enough to get love right the first time they try it... It looks like hard to get it and rare to give and get it...
A lot of ladies will have to go through the hardships of dealing with relationships that just aren’t right for them and some boys that are bad enough to play and manipulate women...
There will be times where  a girl just won’t mesh well with a guy just because he’s a pure douchebag who isn’t mature enough to be in a proper relationship with anyone.
Some women will be so unlucky as to not realize it early on in the relationship  and they won’t end up seeing just how colossally destructive his behavior is... They will fall in love to it's deepest not realizing the person they are with blinded by what they think it's love for their man, and there must be always some warning signs but we always ignore them or we just don't want to believe.

That’s why you can never afford to let your emotions get the best of you. You need always a moment to think twice about him and , a moment to be wide awake to have a deep look .. analyse all of his actions and pay attention to what he's saying or doing! Just don't be fond with the bad boy love story it won't work out and it will only bring you pain ..
You can’t let your feelings blind you from the truth. You must always maintain a good sense of self-awareness in the relationship. You must always be looking out for your own well-being. You can’t afford to let yourself get stuck in a relationship that is destroying your soul and breaking your heart. You deserve to be in a love affair that actually makes you happy.. Look at yourself and ask if you're really happy in the relationship, see if he's right for you ..but to be honest i Advice you to stay away from bad boyfriends. You will know them when you see them just as long as you keep in mind the things that you should be looking out for. Here are some blatant red flags that the guy that you’re dating is just absolute trash... Read carefully, and also fellow your senses ..

1# He is trying to control you :

The worst part about being manipulated in a relationship is that quite often, we don’t even know it’s happening. Manipulative people twists your thoughts, actions, wants and desires into something that better suits how they see the world. They mold you into someone that serves their own purposes. One major sign of a controlling and manipulative boyfriend is constant guilt tripping. If he can convince you to feel guilty for your actions, even when you’ve done nothing wrong, then he knows you’ll be more willing to do what he says. Another thing a controlling and manipulative boyfriend will do is force insecurities on you. If he can do this, then he can control how you act towarcchoiHowever, A bad boyfriend will try to control your choices , your life decisions and even your actions... They will tell you what you should do and what you shouldn't just to please him...he will create endless fights if you don't listen !

Just pay attention to this kind of douchebags .. they are sick control because their life is outta control so the only thing they can put rules on and dominate is you .
On the opposite, a good boyfriend will trust your choices and they will respect it .

2# He doesn’t allow you to have male friends.

A bad boyfriend friend doesn't believe  your Relationship with your male friends is innocent....He just doesn’t trust you on how you choose to spend your time with your male friends. He wants to be the only dominant male force in your life.. He wants to box you in and keep you all to himself as if you were a possession of his...
He will cut your contacts with every male in your life just because he is insecure and he has trust issues.

3# He spy on you :

He checks your phone contacts, your emails, your social network and everything... He goes into your last calls and he check your messages very often just because he doesn't trust you ... Don't believe any of his excuses ... It's a trust issues never a fear of losing you or because he loves you so much to stalk and spy on you ...
He has major trust issues and he even goes through your things to help appease his worries. He constantly thinks that you’re pulling off some shady moves behind his back and he’s looking to get to the bottom of it. He probably thinks that you’re acting shady because he’s most likely doing it to you as well. BE SURE !

4# He doesn't let you spend time alone or without him :

In fact, he doesn’t trust you on how you choose to spend your time in general. When you want to have a night out with the girls, he is going to want to be there. He is clingy and he always wants you to be around him. He has a major fear of missing out and he doesn’t allow you to live your own life unless it means it’s with him. 
He will be every where you go , or in phone every 15 minutes saying he's checking on you ! Matter of fact, this bad boyfriend will drive you insane .. you will need a little time to breath and he won't let you , he will suffocate you , playing the victim if you ever ask for a space ...

5# He demeans you about your appearance :

He doesn't feel shame or bad to tell you , you look miserable or he doesn't like the way you look ...He always tries to make you feel bad and lower your self-esteem. He wants you to believe your own worthlessness just so you will end up having to depend on him... He will tell you that nobody will love you but him because you don't deserve that or because you are worthless..
He wants you to think that only his opinion matters and your feelings are immaterial. That’s why he’s constantly going to make fun of you for your clothing choices, your weight, and your overall aesthetic presence.. the way you talk ..the way you eat ... And everything you do! You will always feel like trash around him and you will hate yourself all the times ...

6# He deflects his insecurities unto you or unto somebody else.

He’s going to blame you for all of his failures. He knows that there isn’t a lot of good things going on for him in his life and so he’s going to resort to blaming you or Blame his Friends and family ... He will never be responsible of his life decisions and his wrong mistakes, there's always somebody to blame... If he failed in love in the past that's because his Ex was the reason ...if he has problem at work is because his friends are jealous or because his boss doesn't see his worth!!!!!!! Always someone to Blame and you will be the first always..

7# He makes it personal when you fight

Even the best relationships have the odd argument. But what tells you everything about a guy isn’t whether you disagree on a few things, but how he reacts when you don’t see eye to eye it's important to pay attention . If he insults you , call you bad names it's completely ​bad ! I remember I dated a guy with these warning signs and I neglected, when we use to fight he used to call me b#$&+&$# and he fight dirty and bring up personal information that is completely off-topic about me at first then things evolved and he started to bring my family and some stuff I told him about...its completely wrong , These are all signs of a bad boyfriend who isn’t looking out for you.. just don't try to find him excuses it may start out like a little insult and you will try to convince​ yourself that's nothing to make it big of a deal , but it's just the beginning if you allow him to insult you at first he won't understand his limits later...and be sure , A great guy will know that just because you’re fighting, he doesn’t have a license to attack you where it hurts just so that he can win the argument.

8# He tries to possess you 

You go out with your friends, and he acts jealous. You spend a night with work colleagues, and he pouts and guilt trips you for not being home with him. He gets angry when you innocently talk to the male bartender when you order your drink.

Jealousy and possessiveness are toxic, and can start you down a dangerous path of feeling like you’re constantly having to change your normal behavior just to avoid drama.

This is the epitome of a bad boyfriend, and if you see this kind of possessive behavior, declare your independence immediately and break free of this guy before you forget what real freedom feels like.

Relationships are hard enough, without having a partner who can’t hold their hands up and decide when they’ve made a mistake. So look out for this bad boyfriend sign early on, and make sure you avoid like the plague.


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