Why you should date a Scorpio ??

It's a pleasure or it's a misfortune whichever way you see it, dating a Scorpio is a challenge you will love to hate.
I have written about my personal experience with scorpio male ( https://relationshiptis.blogspot.com/2017/02/why-you-shouldn-date-scorpio.html Article) and I mentioned all the reasons to stay away from them because at the end of my relationship i looked back and I have seen all the wrong, all the negative influence he has left on me, but I don't want to judge them all because I have personal issues ,matter of fact, they can be as good as a dream and as scary as a nightmare!
However, I should be honest and say every woman should date a Scorpio for a relationship full of intensity and passion, you will live love to the fullest and you will taste life through his perspective , a different kind of relationship you will never forget about..
Read why you should date this moody loving, hot blooded Scorpio man, the one knowing as the most sensual sign in the zodiac, he's knowing for ​his seductive nature, if you never been so lucky to date a Scorpio here's 10 reasons to convince you to do :

1. He is Loyal :

Cheating isn't their thing..if he's  a in love with you  then You wouldn'tn't need to worry whether he will go astray, once a Scorpio fall in love he will never cheat on you, as long as his eyes only on you, you will be the center of all his attention and he will show you the love you've never felt before.
When you're dating a Scorpio you will become one of his prized possessions, he will love you and do anything to protect you, he will​ always get your back and he will never cheat and hurt you.
The level of loyalty and devotion you will experience with Scorpio you will never find with any other zodiac sign.
They choose you because you are the one they desired there's no going back for them and they will be loyal to you as possible.

2. He is ambitious :

They won't stop at nothing to get what he always wants.. Scorpio work hard for what they want and never give up. Their energy is contagious, it rubs off on you. Scorpio dream bigger and will do whatever to reach their goals.

3. He's honest :

Scorpio knowing for his abrupt honesty, they won't hesitate to tell you the truth no matter what , he never intend to hurt you but because they are loyal and honest they won't feel comfortable if you don't Know the truth.
He will handle any bitter truth but they won't like it if you ever lie to them. So stay honest with a Scorpio regardless of the situation.

4. He's supportive :

He can see the fragile and the hurt you have been through and he will ease it on you ..
Scorpio is very supportive and he will give you the best advice you seek for. Never ignore their opinions and take everything he says into consideration he loves when you fellow his advices .

5. He's passionate :

They will give you the very passionate,desired love you always fantasized about .. just like movies .. with a Scorpio you will feel the love you thought was just a thing of the fairy tales. Well he will make all your dreams and fantasies come true.
He's great expressing his love and he will do anything to bring their partners tons of pleasure, and highest of sexual chemistry.
Matter of fact, you will never meet as passionate and loving as Scorpio.

6. He's independent :

Scorpio loves freedom,NO matter how many times he said he can't live without you, no matter how long he threatening to kill himself if you're gone , he's just saying!! Doesn't mean he's​ lying but he's independent and daring and ambitious. It's great because when it's all gettin tough they will handle fine it if you're not there . Doesn't mean they don't need a compagny, but they need a partner who don't control them.
Besides, when a Scorpio need to take an important decision they will take it without hesitation.
Scorpio have strong opinions and he's not afraid to express them...

7. He's jealous :

Jealousy is a term of endearment in your relationship with Scorpio, but Who doesn't like a jealous man who is all and all about you, Scorpio don't share ! he will tell the world that you are theirs and they will get obsessive sometimes while asserting their love for you!
As much as Scorpio are driven and passionate about what they want their jealousy often strikes a Scorpio somewhere in the course of the relationship. Embrace his jealousy it's the prove of his love, it's real emotion the Scorpio is likely trying to process.

8. He wants a long lasting relationship :

Scorpio date to find his true love, he's open to marriage and he will go all the way when he's in love .
Once a Scorpio fall in love with you you're in for life, he will plan a future with you , even if the relationship ends, know that you will be a part of his life long after.

9. He's emotionally wrecks :

Hes so emotional, and you will live it up with him to the extreme..just be prepared to wipe away their tears or laugh really hard with joy , be prepared to support them at times and be the shoulder they lean on always.
He will hit all kind of emotional limits in your relationship whether he's experiencing sadness or happiness, the intensity of both can be pretty overwhelming at times.

10. He's private :

Scorpio often is very honest and open but he has alot to hide in private, they are the kind of people you can confidence without worrying about them telling anyone !!
They will love to know your business but never tell theirs, they are the loyal friend you can confide in and expect honest advice from.

Hes incredibly perfect, Dating a scorpio is challenge, you will work  for it harder than you think but in the end he's totally worth it.. their love has the ability to set fire to all the deepest and darkest corners of your heart.


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