Is he using you for Sex and money ??

women usually get blinded when it comes to love , while men who's using them for sex and money are the best hiding their true colors..You never know they’re using you until you’ve exhausted all you can give. You will never know it from the start because he will show you all the love that could possibly blind you to see the real him.. His probably been using you for sex and money and you know what’s worse than dating a user? Falling love with a user!
Dating a user will wreck you , he will take it all from you using all the ways , using all the words, using advantages of your body and your wallet..
If you're in love , dating a guy  and he's suspicious like he's interested in money and sex more than the relationship .. but you can't tell ...Don’t mistake hot passionate sex for hot passionate love. Sometimes, as much as it seems like love is all you can see, it could just be a haze of lust in your lover’s eyes.
Men tend to know exactly what they want from the start, they know what they can get and how to get it and who's gonna take the extra effort to handle all the crap he will get you through til they get what they planned for from the start and exhausted you and leave .

To know clearly if he's using you for sex and money here's 15 signs :

1# He rushes into the relationship​ quickly :

When your partner is s trying to get into the relationship quickly and he barely know you, and he's also trying to avoid any contact with his past friends because he's afraid of something is red flag . Relationship usually are build over time and patience , in fact when a man is pushing you to meet all day , hang out all the time, calling you every hour it's strange isn't !?!  Men with no work , no ambition and no life are so wrong to date or to be lo in love with , because they will try to take it all from you, til y get nothing left to give , the nthey will leave on to the next one .They are what we call them users .

2#He wants to hang out mostly at night :

Maybe the person you’re dating or having a fling with works odd hours or happens to be a night owl.
But you’ll get to wonder what you can possibly do together at 2am on a weeknight. You can’t catch a movie, all the nice restaurants would be closed and the only friends you can hang out with are those who are already wasted.
Unless you spend these late night dates talking, bonding or just cuddling at home, you’ll probably end up getting down . What’s more alarming is that even though you know this person is awake and active in the daytime, you never seem to hear from them.
Also, you notice that His conversations all about sex and what he wants to do with you when he gets you in bed , he shows no interest in getting to know you. Besides, this person never gets into a real serious discussion, he doesn't care about you and your life, he acts indifferent when it comes to share a conversation about you or your relationship in the future.

3# He doesn't seem to be attached emotionally to you :

The depth in any relationship develops through the emotional attraction you both feel . But when you be feeling like your relationship devoid of any emotional bound is there when you should start questioning is this love it is it a play he played t use you for sex . If your man is hardly bothered about bounding with you Emotionally it means he doesn't love you from the start. When you can't share your worries, your problems and your moments with your man , there when you should know it never be a true relationship.

4# He doesn't contact you often​ :

whether it’s phone calls, text messages or even invitations to hang out will be sporadic at best. One week you’ll be all wrapped up in each other, and the next, there’s not even a Facebook message in sight. But just when the user starts to feel you slipping away, he will reach out again and try to get back in your good graces… or your pants.

5# You feel hes putting so much pressure On you :

A man who's trying to use you will only care what he wants and what he needs , he will try to use you for getting only his pleasure. He will pressure you to have sex  whenever he needs to , pressure you to give him the money he needs because he's broke. If you ever feel like your man is pressure you through emotional manipulation or through physical abuse or even threatening this clearly a user. Guys who have been using women in every relationship know exactly how to get what they want from you.

6# He only cares about what he wants , concerned just about his pleasure :

Physical intimacy is an integral part of every relationship but you should understand if he's meeting up with your needs or he is only concern about his pleasure when you're having sex because One of the most telling signs that you’re being used in the relationship for sex is when you’ve just finished a hot lovemaking session, and your lover is already asking you to close the door on your way out. There doesn’t seem to be any room for cuddling or talking. Also, when your partner is a selfish man during the whole act , when you find yourself trying to please your man to avoid any trouble or friction in the relationship is then when you should start thinking how move on from this relationship. Men who has no emotional investment in the relationship, are definitely using you .

7# He is in this relationship just because he needs money :

Some guys enter inna relationship just because they need something , purely for their monetary benifits,and they try to milk out the most of it. Men who's unemployed tend mostly to date women for their money and they choose the worker ones , with a good , stable job and a bank account or women with a rich family background, when a man using your credit card, using your appartement and asking you to lend him money, makes you get money for him no matter how, gets you into financial trouble then you know he's in this relationship just because he's using you.

8# He has always a problem or trouble only money can solve :

He had to borrow some money from a friend which puts him in a problem!!!! He should give that money back but he's broke now. The next week, you notice that he needs money for another affair, 
This can turn into a pattern when the user will always ask you for money, and the story behind it would be so heartbreaking that you’d just relent. But the worst part is that when you ask about  any of the things you helped with financially, the user doesn’t seem to know what you’re talking about, or they always have a good story to escape away.

9# Your arguments start and end with money.

The user gives a fit when you refuse to pay for something. There doesn’t seem to be anything that would placate them aside from that thing they want you to pay for. In time, you’ll start to notice that the quick fix for your arguments is expensive jewelry, gadgets or a down payment for a car.
You’ve probably tried more personalized and heartfelt ways of showing your love like love letters, office surprises or breakfast in bed. But it seems like the happiness of your significant other is directly proportional to the dent they leave on your bank account.

10# You have always to pay :

You constantly find yourself paying for every single thing when you go out together. Sometimes it's OK to split the bill , you shouldn't constantly pulling your wallet out to pay all the time. But sometimes he pretends to forget his wallet or he just earns less than you ,he cares about his family financially or he had to pay for his mom surgery ( common lie) !!  If he never has money and he doesn't even try to get a job he's probably taking advantages of you.

11# He has an expensive taste. 

There’s nothing wrong with expensive taste. Some people are just used to that sort of thing. But it will start to get alarming when your dates are always in five-star hotels, fine dining restaurants and trips to exotic locations.
When you try to suggest a cozy little hole-in-the-wall with great homemade brews, your date raises an eyebrow and insists on going to the most expensive restaurants in the city.

12# He isn’t motivated to earn money. 

Maybe you dated your significant other for their sophistication and brains. But despite a diploma from a good college and the chops to succeed in their field, your partner doesn’t have the drive to work and earn their own money.
It seems like you’re feeding, clothing and housing someone who just wants to bask in your riches. On one hand, it may feel good that your partner needs you. But on the other hand, the dependence on your paycheck may be more than you can bear!
It definitely feels good to be needed. But when you’re needed only for what your body and your money can do, then it may be a sign that you’re dating the wrong person.

13# He's expecting you to do everything for him :

It seems like you do it all , any thing possible to satisfy him, and he expects you to do more, he never get enough , and you never seem to be enough, he has always a list of wishes and needs he wants from you, he wants you to buy him new clothes, pay for his gym classes, feed him, pay for his loan and alot of stuff you can afford ! and in this relationship you feel like a mother never a girlfriend.

14# He's unemployed :

The most obvious sign of a user is he has no source of income, he's unemployed, having nowhere to live , they will tell you they are hustlers, adventures, hating society lows or work under government orders , they want to be free ! Let me break it down for you another way , your guy is homeless, unemployed, uneducated, he has no source of income, nobody wants him in their house either his mom his clearly a user. This type of man will seek you out because you can offer him what he needs a shelter, and food .

15# he ever affectionate or loving until he needs something from you :

He doesn't show any emotions when you're together,he does spend time with you on gentle physical actions ,like no holding hands. No hugs, no sweet words or snuggling, but all of this comes out when he needs to have sex , or needs money then it's when he is convincing you to do what he wants.

Bottom line, you don't deserve to be used by a man who doesn't see your values but sees you as a sex and money machine, you will attract all types but beware who's to chose.
If you're dating a man with any of the previous signs say NO to everything he asks you for  ! Let him go the fuck away ! Don't let him mistreated you, manipulate you and using you ! Be brave enough to say No to this user , soon enough he will dump you because you are no longer satisfy his needs. In fact going through pain of separation is better than being used with a man without feelings .


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