Are you in healthy relationship ???

In a long term relationship, couples loses interest.. things become boring and the routine kills love.
Sometimes, though, people stay in relationships for all the wrong reasons, even when the most important characteristics of a healthy relationship are missing.
So here's characteristics of a healthy relationship :

1.Communication :

Is the key of a healthy relationship, stay connected to each other .. you both should talk , it's important to talk more .
In a healthy relationship you need to be able to talk to each other and, more importantly, be able to listen.
There should be no fear of losing one another, if you raise a thorny subject,you should be able to talk about anything and everything. If you can’t communicate, then problems will be left unresolved
Try to spend a few tims together, no TV , no phones , discuss deeper and personal subjects , keep concern of problems, try to solve it together..
Disagreement is a part of every relationship but don't let it damage it, people who used to yell at each other , are more likely to break up.. so listen to each other point of view, don't yell or scream at the same time.

2. Keep it interesting:

Find time to each other away from work and responsibilities, it's necessary to stay both connected, make the effort, keep things interesting, plan regular dates , go to the restaurant, watch a movie, try new things take a break from the routine .

3.The healthy balance :

In a healthy relationship much of anything can be a bad thing.
There needs to be a balance between everything you do .. It is important that both partners think of themselves, as two individuals in a partnership and neither of them should become completely dependent on the other.

4. Intimacy :

Keep the intimacy between you too , it's helpful to schedule sex or just let it go natural, setting aside a time for an intimate encounter is important for your relationship... Do new things together, keep your sex life interesting, the routine of same position killing the desire to have sex.
Physical intimacy is the easiest way to
demonstrate your love and it creates a closeness that cannot be achieved through emotions alone.

5. Laugh together

Life has its ups and downs and it has its downright embarrassing moments too, so the ability to laugh is a vital ingredient in the recipe for a healthy relationship. Laughter can help get you through some pretty tricky situations and everybody loves a good laugh ..

6. Patience :

Relationships usually break down because people give up and lose patience,  so for a healthy relationship you both should be patient about everything like being broke or being away from each other .

7. Loyalty and commitment :

Loyalty It's a commitment to another person so keep it there, it shouldn't be missed because when trust has break nothing will fix it ..
Trust is an absolute in a healthy relationship, you need to have faith in each other ,you must be in each other's side and make sure you're loyal ..
Love is also a commitment, it should not have any conditions attached to it.

8. Respect :

Respect your partners wishes and feelings,let your significant other know you're making an effort to keep the relationship , you both should feel Comfortable, relaxed, satisfied, content, call it what you will, but you can’t be forever seeking something else, when you are in a relationship. You may each strive to achieve personal goals in life, but those goals should help you both achieve your common aims too. So respect each other's aims and goals in life and support one another is the key of a healthy relationship.. it out together :

In a healthy relationship, couples work together to achieve shared goals. They will have their own personal ambitions as well, but the ultimate goals will be those that coincide with the shared vision for the future.
They must share the same effort and the same work ,same give and take.

10. Understand each other :

Couples in a healthy relationship understand each other and are in tune with one another’s feelings. The ability to understand your partner’s point of view, even if you don’t agree with it, is a vital element of a loving and caring partnership.

You don't have to wait until a relationship shows signs of trouble , you should know how-to share good communication, effective listening and dealing with conflicts, and to find ways to move beyond the conflict.
Ahealthy relationship based on ,Good communication,Bring the vibe of trust and acceptance,Admit your mistakes and work to correct it. Just no excuses,  be responsible for your actions and don't blame each other,trust is a basic of a relationship if you're playing the investigator role in this relationship it's time to Let go..
Healthy relationship cannot be build on a basis of suspicious and mistrust its about some give amd take and  If you notice yourself doing the same mistakes again and again tell your partner you need some help to stop.Sometimes we assume that our partner knows us well so we don't have to talk about what we want and what we don't. But its really important to have some deep conversations from time to another. You must know what excites your partner so do whatever to please them,  keep it sexy.. Be creative.. Break out the Routine.
And if you and your partner are right for each other all the work will definitely be worth it in the long run.


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