Why you shouldn't date a Scorpio ?

If you wonder why I choose specifically this zodiac sign so I can tell you that I've been dating a male Scorpio for almost 4 years ... and as a Taurus woman I have been searching alot about this horoscope  .
I can say it started out really amazing in the beginning but things turned out sour quickly... and I couldn't escape, he was a very manipulated person, knows what to say exactly to make a woman stay ..

Truth is i wasn't a pain addict person til i met this death and distruction lover.. that time pain with him become my pleasure..
You may think imma sick psycho!! But you'll never know what im talking about until you date a Scorpio.
... If you're about to date a Scorpio here's 10 reasons to prevent you .. ( in my opinion you should not date this zodiac sign) :

1. They never forget and never forgive:

They will always remember a friend who screwed him 10 years ago!!
or a girlfriend who dumbed him , he will stay wide awake plans revenge every night ...
And til that moment comes he will always scare you with the thoughts of his upcoming revenge just to make sure you know about it so you won't even try to do same!!
In his way to revenge always expect that he gonna do anything, anything possible .. and he won't hesitate to hurt you !
Scorpio always has his own reasons..

2. Sex:

If you want your Scorpio to never lose interest in you be ready for sex .. Anytime.. Anywhere..
They are addict to sex and if they can't get it from you they look for it elsewhere!       
Doesn't matter who they sleep with, a street hooker or a good girl...
If you are not into sex just be prepared he will cheat even if he's so in love with you...

3. Secretive:

Your Scorpio mate won't tell you everything you wanna know, but he will tell you everything you need to hear.
If his phone is unlocked in.. certainly because they want to prove you something ..Like they are faithfull and you doubt him in vain!!
But they hide the phone is because there's something you shouldn't know about..
If gonna introduce you to his friends, be sure he planned this before and they already learnt what to say when you're There...
     Scorpio always has reasons to do this and that and you'll never know no matter how long you've been in this relationship, you'll always know just what they want you to know.

4. Trust :

They don't trust easily, they are very secretive and they need space to do their thing and you will never have a clue what a battle they are involved in til it's done over and buried.

5. Over Controller:

They will control you, they will suffocate you...
They will choose your friends and who you suppose to talk to, they will control the way you dress up ..Make Up and even which restaurant or Cafe you should go ... And if you ever try to take over you're doomed.
They will try to know everything about you.. Everything..

6. Perfect liars:

You will never separate a lie the Scorpio saying from the truth... They will confuse you and you will never find out until they want you to ...
So don't ask them who's they been with, they will look you in the eye, and they will name a friend or two you know and you won't find a reason to discuss this any more!!
   He's a perfect criminal with no trace or evidence found...
Otherwise, don't waste your time trying to bullshit a Scorpio because they will always uncover the truth.

7. Mind games :

Don't play mind games with Scorpio, they aren't mind reader's , in the opposite, they will play mind games on you and you will fall down..
Scorpio won't guess your feelings if you don't talk straight about it...
They love to share honest conversation with their partner ... I mean hear the truth about what he feels about you but don't talk the truth ...

8. Be You :

A Scorpio is a very picky person, if he chooses you is because he likes the way you are, he chooses you after a very long time of thinking and watching you, and your reacts.. if he ever said he likes other famous actress or a singer don't try to change yourself he won't love that !!
They will love you just for the way you are so Be you!!

9. Advices :

The very good advice given is from a Scorpio...
His life seems messy and he's stupid I taking decisions.. but when it comes to advices he will tell you what to do and how to do it! But I'd you don't take the advice and do exactly as he told you be careful he won't forgive that..

10. Ambitious:
 They are very ambitious people, they are dreaming of becoming rich and famous..They are material people.. and they will do anything to realize this ...

Oncf e a Scorpio set a goal nothing in the world will stop them, whatever it is.. so don't try to change their minds, they won't give a shit ..

And if you insist they will make you believe they are over that while they are still planning...

So don't be surprised if you get left behind somewhere in their race to get ahead.

     I don't say they are this bad .. but it's better not to date this zodiac sign... They are fearless and stubborn and they will do anything to reach their goals ... Anything possible even if this gonna hurt the people who loves them including you..

If you don't believe in stars impact you will find this weird !!! And I can assure women who dated a Scorpio male will tell you same...


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