Is your past relationship still holds you back ?????

You can't start a new relationship if you still can't overcome your past, if you still holding back there this will ruin your chances of a romantic future life..
If you still obsessed with your Ex boyfriend you need to get rid of all the memories so you can move on .So before getting into a relationship, you need to be sure that you have finally overcome your past.

Those a list of warning signs that tell you that  your previous relationship are still holding you back :

1.You still talk about your ex :

You talk about him often , about everything you both did together...That means you still on touch with the memories .. this definitely means you ain't moved on yet.. Eerything still reminds you of him, every place you go , every song you hear..and you still twist the conversations on towards him Talking about an Ex is a way of keeping in touch with the memories. This a sign you haven't really moved on.

2. Online stalk :

You still Google him like everyday, still sTalk his Facebook updates and his Instagram photos, and nothing distract you because it seems you still obsessed with him, you need serious help. You are still deeply addicted to your ex .. besides, Are you excited by hearing any news about your ex, be it their new job or the new person they’re dating? Perhaps, you’re ready to move on but you’re still obsessed with your ex.

3. You don’t want to move on:

You have new boyfriend but just to fill the void, and Even though the relationship is over, many of us never want to move on because deep inside, we still  hoping that they may return one day, even if it takes too shiit’s easy to lose yourself in the past. Getting over an ex who you loved deeply or a long term relationship is hard, and it’s going to takeime. Just know that it’s not worth torturing yourself over. Don’t dwell on the past. It’ll just hold you back from an incredible future with the right person..

4. You still can't love anybody new : 

You may date someone else new , but you still feel no love for them , still hard for you to kiss the new guy without tasting your Ex lips ! Dating is not worth the effort, but in fact it's all illusions of love you have created over your ex . But remember for a reason you are dating this new guy and for a reason you broke up , there's nothing you can do about it but accept the fact and move on. Stop fantasizing about him and your old love , it will only make you feel miserable and unhappy, give yourself a chance to see things from another view .

5. Comparison every guy with your Ex :

Constantly you find yourself comparing every little detail of every new guy you meet with your past lover. You still can't accept any new guy with his new habits and new personality!! You still wanna see your Ex in every one you meet ! You just can't understand that no relationship is same. Besides, instead of comparing how somebody is better than another in specific things , just learn to love the difference between them, find the beautiful things in their new personality, maybe you will fall for a new man then.

6. You don't want to move on :

You know it gonna be easier if you decide to put an end to your past love illusions, but deep down you just don't want to be moving on, you feel it's easier to willow in the pain of the past than thinking to get over it . However, if you stuck still in your past relationship, you simply aren't ready or willing to move past the pain of your past ! We all need some time to grieve but don't be addicted to the pain, don't let the past find always a way to creep up on you, focus on the present .

7. Still want him in your life : 

You still don't want him outta your life ,he's a friend now or just stranger that you still call and talk for hours , and he still ask your help whenever he needs too ,it's a sign your previous relationship still holds you back because you didn't give yourself the chance to move on and let go!! Keep in touch with an Ex will always make you stuck there can't do any move.

8. You're OK with having some Sex :

You still available when he calls you to go home and stay the night , you don't see no wrong with having some Ex sex ! You're thinking it's a way to get him back or whatever in your mind ! It's a warning sign you just stuck with the past .

9. You still there for him :

You break up but he still running to you whenever he needs you , and you still helping, trying to do your best to be there for him like the old days before ! So how can you move on if you still can't get rid of your Ex !!!?

10. You're looking to hear news about him :

You still talk to his family members or his  friends in commun, You just need to hear any news about him, anything they possibly can tell you , you still call his mom often pretending to be careless, besides,you still hang out with his Friends.

OKay you still have feelings for your Ex ir maybe you're dreaming of getting back together, but remember you break up for some reason, and putting your pride aside on some situations would be wrong. f you find yourself obsessed with the thoughts of your Ex i should tell you , The odds of dating an Ex and have a successful relationship is slim , because the same problems will crop up all the times ! So let go of this misery ! However,if your relationship still holds you back in any kind of ways that I mentioned, you really need to move on, because holding on to your past will only prevent you to have a good future , it may take awhile, but wherever you find out ways to ignore your Ex and move beyond the past relationship then you can really experience the true joy of letting go and set yourself free... If you ever find yourself indulging in any of these signs you need to understand that it's time to let go and move on.


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