Is he really into you ?

Men are not easy to understand , they won't express exactly how.Yoh lost Wondering how he really feels for you !!! Everyone knows the anxiety of the early relationship, you're into a guy and you don't know how if he's into you or not .. You're trying to explain every word he said, every text he sent, you ask your ladies their opinions In order to determine their true intentions..But at the end there's several indicator that woman understimate..                                            so here's 10 signs to read a guys mind :

     1* He's showing his sensitive side :

 Although men tend to be more secretive, hiding their sensations, trying to boast their musculinity , a guy who's really into you won't hide his feelings, he shares his personal life with you, he talks about family problems and the way he feels about it ... so your job must be to listen and be there for him,He's so comfortable to talk to you about a discussion with him mom that bothered him , or a fight with a friend... Men usually tend to bottle up their feelings , but bring up such conversations will bring you both closer in the relationship, Emotional bound is a thing that lasts forever so if he could trust you enough to show hes sensitive side that's when you make sure he's really into you...

       2* friends and family already know about you :
When a guy is really into you , he will tell the whole world about you ! and meeting his family should be an exciting experience that gives you confidence and assurence in the status of your relationship, this a serious step in your relationship, if your guy is telling everyone about you or you already met one of his family, it's a very serious move. 

       3. He's seeing a future with you :

He craves time out of his schedule for you, he tries to make plans whether to hang out or just meet for dinner,He does everything possible be with you , today , tomorrow and the next week.. He's considerate of your needs and how he should behave, he's trying to make things work .He's trying to make plans for both of you, upcoming events or just coffee meeting with his friends. He always checks with you to see if you're available.If he's into you he will set plans for the next month , like watching a movie next weekend or invite you to a birthday party next month... Having him talk about the future especially if you didn't bring it up, is a great sign, it just shows how comfortable he is with you. This proves you that he sees your relationship lasting a while.

      4* He's so open up to you :

He shared his interests with you, morals and values, he likes to be with you when no one around, sharing some conversations .. whether it's a romance or intellectual one ! He bring alongside his silly adventures and ask for your opinion on the things he likes and the things he's up to do !! And he truly values your opinion, and this a clear sense of how he truly feels about you..You're so open up with him, you talk about family dysfunction and bad Experience relationships and hes not boring he still can try to ease it on you and help you to get over it...

     5* he's making an Effort :

If a guy values your presence, he will make an effort to be with you , to see you , despite his engagements ,that's a clear sign he's into you. Not only in making time important in terms of effort , but the effort alone is a good sign . Taking you out for a dinner , hung out holding hands, or just sitting outside for watching the stars at night is an effort, trying to look good to impress you is also an effort. A guy who's into you will make the effort to prove it .

      6* He calls all the time :

He calls and texts everyday, and he answers back immediately like he makes time in his day to hear your voice..Or just to check on you, it's nice to know someone cares enough to make sure you're okay , for a guy his really means he's start falling for you.                  Sharing serious conversations and discuss hot topics like the future and his interest in you can prove that he's ready for a long term relationship.When he's really into you, he will always call, at work or when he's driving his car or just laying in bed .. and most important thing he pick up your phone consistently when you call no matter what time it is ...

      7* He's being true :

 Being truthful is basically everything when it comes to a relationship, it creates a positive force field and it strength the bond, if a guy lies constantly about almost everything it's a sign he's not really into you, and this will only create a bond of fear and negativety at the longterm of the relationship. It will only create a distance and a huge separation , so being true is a basic, it shows that the guy is really interested and his intentions are really there with you.

       8* He's being himself with you :

 When a guy is really into you ,he will try to impress you, being himself will take a couple of dates before that happens, once he overcome being shy and afraid to get your attention, a guy finally start getting comfortable and TRUE...revealing his  true identity it just shows that he's finally ready to show you exactly who is he and what he's all about, it's all a relationship needs , a partner with his true colors, being himself with you.

         9* His body language :

Look closely at nonverbal cues, it's important to pay more attention to his body language, signs can be found in the way he looks at you, the way he moves his body when he's around you, you need to pay attention to his hands during your interactions, the way his hands are during a conversation can show that he's completely approachable..

       10* He listens to you and he ask personal questions :

When a man is highly interested he listens to you, without interruptions or distructions, his ability to recall specific information and topic at once talked about the smallest details, shows how much he values your presence and the things you say, also a guy who's interested in you will ask alot of questions about you , and your personal life. However, it's important to pay attention to the questions he chooses.. a guy who's trying to be a part of your life journey is a guy who's really into you. He's creating a bound with you, trying to keep the conversation going stress Free and create also a comfortable zone where you can share all your feelings easily .

     Based on his actions you'll know if he's really into you or not...
Actions speak louder than words... It's really important to pay close to his behaviors, it's not really difficult, and with those signs to know when a man really into you, the next question on your mind shouldn't be if he's really into you or not.



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