How to enjoy being single on Valentine's day?

Being single doesn't mean Valentine's day should be a depression occasion, you still can enjoy this event without a man ...
Life's too short to waste your time searching for the one, you still can celebrate your singleness ...but If you don't know how to enjoy life this day

 here's 15 tips to help :

1. Treat yourself:

Get yourself a gift .. a box of chocolate or some roses, buy yourself some sweet candy, or dress up and order a set just for you...
Do things for yourself and by yourself, watch the movie you have been waiting for, or buy that expensive dress you've been wanting to buy ...
Send some money ... Treat yourself the way you'd treat a significant other.

2. Love yourself:

Don't be hard on yourself, you may think you're ugly or unwanted, so remove those negative thoughts. Learn to be by yourself and take pleasure in it ... Appreciate yourself ... Love songs may remind you of (him)... Just think of yourself when you hear a song..

3. Improve yourself:

As a single woman you need to improve yourself, learn new things, set a new challenge, learn a new language...
Now you have all the time in the world to embrace yourself

4. Be social:

Get out, grab some girlfriend and go dancing,
If people wonder why you're single this day , just ignore them, you don't have to defend yourself, embrace yourself as long as you can .
You have to convince yourself that the ultimate goal in life I not to Pair up with another human being, being single doesn't mean being lonely, now you have more time to do a variety of things .. enjoy this opportunity of freedom, spend this day with those who loves you, let who's matter to you know how much you love them.

5. Be yourself:

Embrace yourself, your looks, your beliefs, whatever it is that makes you , yo Enjoy this day as a special day , remember yourself that you love yourself enough and you complete yourself, you just don't needs man to be your other half , you are a whole by yourself..

6. Have a night out :

Have a party for friends you love or dress out and take yourself out for a dinner, go for some club alone or buy yourself a drink.

7. Cook yourself a nice meal :

Cook a nice meal and have a drink , cheer for the good life , you don't have to compare yourself to other married couples or other friends in a relationship, they might be thinking you're lucky because you're single .. Enjoy your Valentine's day alone .

8. Avoid romantic comedies like "Harry meet Sally" :

You will only remember how much youre lonely and you will feel miserable, you will dream of falling love and you will cry for your bad luck, avoid watching romantic comedies, you will  brust into tears at the end ..

9. Go shopping :

Go shopping...Buy yourself a nice dress or floweres , some candy or just go shopping and don't buy a thing ...Just change space and breath some air away from work and home..

10. Read a book you love :

It's your day , reading a book you love gonna be a good thing.. a hotel room and enjoy your night alone :

Enjoy a bottle of wine.Relax inna a bubble bath . And what about Buying a sex toy And masturbate. Or play some video games..It gonna be a good night ...

12.Turn your phone off :

Don't answer friends call that will ask you how you gotta spend your night... don't go online because everybody gone talk about this day... Stay away of social network. 

13. List your Ex :

 List your last 3 Exes and the reason why you break up with them.. you will figure out at the end you're better off alone.

14. Avoid over drinking :

 You will end up texting your Ex and you won't be happy about it in the morning.

15. Convince yourself that life is much more better this way :

Embrace your loliness and enjoy life this way, convince yourself that life is much more amazing and you can do alotta stuff 

You don't need a partner this day be your own Valentine , and think about everything positive about being single. 

There's so much you can do alone and without a partner ..Just know how to enjoy this day .


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