How to know if your man is cheating on you?

Women who experienced being cheated on and lied to know this could be the worst nightmare.
But for men it's easy to hide and til the woman found out the damage becoming deeper. If you think your guy is pulling some shady shit , chances are your gut is right, truth is if you have this vibe that something just off here's 10 signs to know he's cheating :

1. You haven't met any of his friends yet or any member of his family :

.You haven't met any of his friends yet. He goes out more with them without you and everytime you call he answered with "hey" instead of calling you " baby" like he used to do. Besides, he hang alot with them outside.. Also, how many times he said he told his mother about you and the family can't wait to see you, but never invite you to meet them!!! It's a warning sign , you're not this man's only , he's probably cheating ...

2. His phone is off sight he's around you or just hidden away your sight :

He puts his phone on silent mode or he just turn it off when he's with you, that way you can't see incoming texts or calls from other women, he just has alot to hide, hiding his phone or turn it off is same, and he takes his phone with him every time he goes to the bethroom...And his phone battery seems to die more than the average person, making him always unreachable and always has an excuse to explain. His phone never on your sight and when you pick up it it freaks him out..he rushes To do something on it before you even find out. 

Besides, He's phone is busy lately at Night.and he has always excuses for what he's line is busy. He's saying he's seek for privacy and in fact nothingexplosive with wanting that but there's a difference between that , and someone just trying to hide things away.

3. The look :

 He suddenly caring about his looks and even showering more.. he was one of those guys who never bothered looking into the mirror, never cared how he looks like because you love him the way he is, he doesn't perfume or put deodorant , but suddenly he's doing all those ! Just in a sudden , he's caring about how he looks like everyday, he's shopping, he has new clothes !!! He's going to the gym, it's safe to bet there's someone else he wants to impress

Nothing is wrong with a man who looks good and smell good but when it's an overnight change, a serious effort and it's unusual , there when you must definitely believe your doubts , he's cheating!!!

4. He's arguing over everything :

If he argue with you over every single thing it's a sign he's looking for an excuse to get away from you. He has no time off without fighting, the little things caused big problems and he doesn't care how bad this hurts, hes criticing your taste on clothes and the way you dress up or make up, he just wants you to get angry and start fighting, he's trying to make you feel horrible all the time , fight over fight , then he'll just say he's tired of arguing and you're a person who can't understand him , that's why he got another girl friend!!!!!! Truth is she was there from the start ! and he's was trying to give himself an excuse to cheat .

He's overly defensive and jealous, he picks meaningless fights and get upset with you over everything you do, he's accusing you of cheating or lying !!

5. He's secretive about himself , shady, with a strange mood :

He seems like he's pulling some shady stuff, he's not being open to you , and you feel like you don't know shit about him even though you're dating been awhile. He have a mood swings, he loses interest on you suddenly, other times it feels like you the one !!! He's sad with no reason , happy and energetic other times and with no obvious reason!!! and nothing you've done is the reason !

He becomes distant, and he doesn't care what are you feeling, what's your needs, and when he's paying attention for your emotions it's when you just ask and demand some attention..

6. Sex has changed  :

Maybe he loses interest, and maybe you still having sex but he's behavior on bed are changed, he becomes more invested ,he has new sexual taste or new positions he never done with you before ,he has new desires and it was all hidden before, maybe he's now so good and you both have an amazing sex , and maybe this strange and it freaks you out because it feels like he's aggressive and confident during sex,and he might be doing it with someone else, he changed because he's feeling better knowing he's desired by other woman .

7. He avoids intimacy :

He just avoid intimate gestures with you, when he's cheating it's hard for him to get intimate with you, like kissing, holding hands and being close like having alot of time alone and sharing some deep conversions .

8. He's on phone more than usual : 

If you notice he's on phone or on internet more than than before and more than usual ,it's a sign he's cheating,  being sending texts all time , every time late at night or just in the morning could be an act of infidelity, he's hiding his phone away , he's logged out Facebook when you come closer , and he's often in phone with friends you don't know who are they ... Beware !

9. Traces :

He's talking to you about a Friend he spent a great day with, no name mention because you don't know him!!! He's mention name randomly , she's everywhere on his social media,liking posts and being active all over his accounts, it's definitely alarming ! Pay attention to his words , he won't hide for so long.

10. You just feel it ,he's definitely cheating !! :

Something weird about the way he talks to you, something about how he's picking his words ,something inside is telling you he's cheating , your gut just screaming at you that he's cheating, ask him some tricky questions, let him fall for words and mention a couple stuff to prove your doubts , go inside his phone , spy on his calls, nothing wrong with finding ways to reveal the truth its way better than keep living a lie ! and the most important thing i advice you to do is trust your intuition .

Many people don't even know they have been cheated on, or they suspect but never be sure whether it's true or they have been paranoid..But no matter how carefully the cheater tries to cover his tracks, his behaviors will eventually expose him , so pay attention, texts and emails can be easily removed, but humain feelings are hard to be denied , body language is important when he's lying ,when he's cheating, look deeper , he can't fake his behaviors.

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