How to get over an EX?

Every end of a relationship is painful and frustrated... Even if the break up was expected this may still hard for you to move on sometimes it takes awhile and sometimes it takes forever to heal and get over him.. If you just can't take the idea Of him being with someone else,you're still hearing the same songs, going to the same places, still can't forget him... 

Here's 10 ways to get over your Ex :

 1.Cut off all contacts And don't stalk him on social media:

Avoid any contact after the break up , even if you and your Ex decided to be friends, cut off all contacts.. make sure no love left in your heart...If he still go back to you , calling you when he's lonely , drunk or needy just shut him down .. contact with your ex will make it harder for you to forget , block his number or change yours , keep yourself busy so you won't even have time , unfellow or block him in all social media and all the accounts, relate his emails and texts ...Dont let his facebook status keeps you up late crying because he looks like he's moving on (men are better than us moving from a female to another ). Stop checking on him on social networks this the last thing you need to see.

Don't try to be friends even if he insisted, don't still hang out with his buddies, don't text him when his favorite songs play on the radio ...Initiate clear boundaries, no contact is the first role of getting over an ex , if he's trying to contact you, do yourself a favor and don't pick up he's just feeling some nostalgic.

2. Accept it and let it Go :

It's OK to be upset mad and hurt , so try not to beg for a second chance , accept that the relationship is over and don't even try to pick u the pieces because you will only hurt yourself .. acceptance is the first step it may be hard at the beginning but as soon as you embrace your pain you will be able to let go ! Which is the most difficult phase of every relationship, letting go of the memories and everything you both had together not easy .. but all you need is a strong ability and time.

3. Allow yourself to Cry :

Don't feel ashamed, don't hide your grieve , take a few days to sit with your emotions and let them move through you, don't resist the feelings , live it all, because usually getting over someone takes alot of time to heal, so take your time don't hold the anger, the frustration and the hurt down it will go down the basement of your soul and it will left weights, in order to move on , you have to be able to heal whatever it takes , whatever it means healing to you ...

 4. Get rid of all the reminders :

Throw all his stuff, don't ask for yours back, don't wear his t-shirt to bed ..Clean your room and throw away all the things that you associate with him like photos, clothes, gifts , move on , remove those things it will help you to forget faster , challenge yourself to be strong.

5.His favorite songs :

It may hurt because you been listening together those songsyou might be danced on it under the moon...!!!
Skip those songs it brings only memories and it pains!  There's a time you'll just enjoy them alone but not know because you already break up.

6. Friends :
Just avoid being in contact with his friends , they'll always bring them to the table and you won't forget..
And if your friends keep asking why you break up just don't explain yourself every now and then... Because usually putting feelings into words makes sadness..
Change your space if you have to...

7. Don't double the shots :
Get out for party,  meet new people ,hang with new friends,  but don't double the shots Til you find yourself sleeping with the bartender... Don't rush into new relationship, it won't help and don't cry everywhere like a Lil whore making yourself look stupid!!  Those things won't work...
Let your sadness be classy .

8.Stop analyzing :

Don't let yourself guess it , don't get stuck in the "what if " waves and "should have do this or that "!!!!

Stop looking for reasons and explanations, accept what happened is happened for certain reasons , and maybe was better for you ..

9. Improve yourself :

Clear your head with new physical activities, new hobbies, new interests, now that you're single , take advantages of the extra time and freedom, enjoy more girls night out, spend more time with your family and indulge in new pleasures .. now this the best time to focus on you , you're single and free, now your money and your time all is yours to take , built a self confidence, feel good about yourself, see the good in yourself..

The way you look shouldn't be low! 
Challenge yourself, do things you like,  focus on other things,  set new goals,  try new things with new friends.
Maybe you had enough time you been looking miserable,  messy and Ugly!  But now no more!  Be the girl he regretted to lose . Look good enough,  beautiful enough.  Just "dress every day  like you're going to meet your Ex. "

No matter how miserable you are, you have to dress up any go out, don't stay inside with all those memories and all the reminders, go outside , enjoy the outdoors, socialize, this will give you the power to heal.

10. Love again :

Stay a single for a little while, choose this over bounce back with new one until the edges of sadness and anger soften ..But don't stuck forever in "if your previous relationship failed , the next one ain't going to work" !! This completely wrong, try to not close your heart to new love possibility , it could be better , smile and be hopeful , there must be someone right, and he will come along as long as you are optimistic.

Letting go and getting over a relationship take alot of time , let yourself off the hook when you feel bad give yourself the time to heal using the 10 previous method , be thankful and learn from your past , it was an experience.. love yourself more and great things are coming along soon enough.

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